
What do you think Michelle Obama really meant by this quote?

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She said “People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and … for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”

Last night, in the DNC convention she said she loves the US. So don't these two comments contradict each other?




  1. Most liberals come from a place that is more familiar with America's history on racial issues, and, issues concerning foreign policy, and, consider the track record abysmal.  

    Michelle Obama is a bright woman, and articulate, so, my guess is that she is proud of her family, proud of Barack, proud of her heritage, and, hopeful her husband wins the election.

  2. No.

    You can love a person and not be proud of them.  You can love a nation and not be proud of it.


    I don't believe that anyone who really believes in Civil Rights can belong to or support a political party that caused the genocide's of both African's and Native American Indians in the United States.

    The idea that you can is hypocritical.  It is like claiming that the n**i party supports religious freedom.

    PS:Obama would be the fifth or sixth "black" president after Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson.

    Interestingly enough, in spite of being 1/4 black Andrew Jackson was the most pro-slavery, anti-civil rights, murderous President ever.  Jackson's genocidal crimes against both Native Americans and Africans are well documented.

    In the US history books of other nations it is often discussed how hypocritical the United States is in condemning genocide and then idolizing a genocidal president like Andrew Jackson.

    The donkey is Andrew Jackson's pro-slavery symbol and the Democrats still idolize their pro-slavery past by using that symbol today.

    If Democrats really cared what other nations thought about the US they would disband in shame over the humiliation they have caused this nation.

  3. She had to say that, but it is too late. The only people she impressed were the zombies already in her corner. This morning's polls say 58% believe her speech did nothing to unite the party. I couldn't watch it. She is just so ugly I can't take it.  

  4. What she means is, you can move her out of her row house, but no matter how far you take her, she'll remain ghetto.

  5. It is called damage control in politics. It is a 180 degrees from what she said earlier this year, "when my husband decided to run for President, this is the first time in my adult life I have been proud of my country."

  6. I don't think you want the change she is talking about. For one, she said health care for all. (government ran)  Ask any one who gets health care through the VA what government health care is like.

  7. she didn't love the U.S. until she had a chance to benefit by her husband possibly being the next (and the first black) president. i watched as much as i could stand of that freakshow and that ugly racist b*tch, then went and did something more useful with my time, i took a sh*t.

  8. No, there is a difference between love and pride.  Almost all parents love their children, but not all parents are really proud of their children.  Almost all Americans love America, but it's hard to be a proud American when your countrymen constantly try to factor how your skin color affects who you are as a person.

  9. Yes. It's a flip flop from what she has always said. She did have a remake, is that weird? So who is she really? How do you get away with just remaking yourself into what the crowd wants to hear? wooooowwwwww (and the crowd just ate it up like it was some great entertainment, totally convinced, like people who believe special effects.)

  10. In the first statement you, and many others left out the word really.

    It should read, "For the first time in my life I am really proud of my country....." she was talking about bringing a black man all the way to the race to the presidency.  Not loving or not loving her country, a country, by the way which hasn't always acted well towards its minorites.

    As a mother,I am always proud of my kids, when they win an award, or have worked hard for a promotion, I am really proud of them.

    Does that help at all?

  11. I think if you knew your American history well AND could see American life from a point of view other than a white, able bodied, heterosexual, male point of view you may not be so quick to point those statements out.  

    This country has done many great things for its citizens and for folks around the world.  It has also done some absolutely horrific things to its citizens and to folks around the world.  For a country that has such high ideals on paper, it has repeatedly shown that it won't always live up to its ideals and that should make many people stand up and say what Mrs. Obama has said in both instances.  

    Not everyone has the same view point as you because not everyone stands in the same place.  Life's viewpoints are relative.

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