
What do you think New Orleans (and any other Katrina affected area) is like right now?

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I personally knew that New Orleans was still messed up but when I went down there it was far worse than I thought. There are still people living in tents under bridges. I stayed in St. Bernard's Parish and big businesses (like Wal-Mart, which refuses to come back because the population is not completely up yet) are still closed. There are still tons of wreckage and deserted houses around. Oil refineries were built immediately after the storm because residents were not there to protest it.

I get the feeling that most people think New Orleans has almost if not completely been revitalized. What is your impression of the Gulf Coast region?




  1. My city near Atlanta has many New Orlean refugees living in it still refusing to leave b/c of the situation N.O. is in now. One of my neighboor recently went down and found that her old neighboors were living on the streets b/c they lost everything.

  2. Those on welfare are still waiting for their handouts. And are still moaning about when the "gubment" is going to fix everything instead of doing anything themselves.

    The "chocolate city" remark XX speaks of is probably the biggest reason nobody wishes to help New Orleans out. It turned me off as soon as I heard it. I have never, and will never donate one penny to them.

  3. The people living under the Interstate were NOT "Katrina vicitms" and almost none of them were from New Orleans (they are now gone).  Almost all of them traveled to New Orleans AFTER Katrina to take advantage of the no-questions-asked free services (free food, free shelter, free clothes, free medical care, etc.) that are typically available in a disaster area.  The Nagin administration is incompetent and it too more than a year for them to do something about the problem.

    No oil refineries we built after the storm. The existing refineries were repaired.

    To x x, you must be referring to some other Mississippi than the one I visit regularly.  The MS coast still looks like Hiroshima after the atomic bomb was dropped on it.

    However, New Orleans is still struggling to recover.

  4. Funny, Democratic Mayor and Governor but it was the republicans that  are to fault?

    As long as the mayor calls it a "chocolate city" I will never go there!

    He was never called out on that as a racist.

    Seems Alabama and Mississippi are doing fine?

  5. There hasn't been a new oil refinery built in the USA since the Marathon refinery in Garyville, Louisiana in 1976.  Where are you getting your misinformation?

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