
What do you think Obama needs to do to win?

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What do you think Obama needs to do to win?




  1. Pray.

  2. nothing he can do, he's had it.

  3. At this point, he's already won it.

    But the debates will seal the deal. He'll win by a landslide.

    Imagine Obama debating McCain... Obama is a genius compared to him.

    Imagine Biden against Palin... hilarious, right?

    Obama/Biden 08

  4. have every one else drop out of the election.

  5. mccain to drop out of the race, but even with that i still doubt he wins

  6. Nothing...He'll win no matter what.  If he doesn't the world will come to an end so basically Americans have no choice.  let's hope the citizens are smart enough to see that he is what we need right now.

  7. change some of his thoughts and beliefs.

  8. Simply keep doing what he's been doing. McCain is in quicksand. Every move he makes sinks him deeper into the abyss.

  9. Nothing he's toast. Good riddance to bad rubbish, I say.

  10. Just keep McCain talking....

  11. Win the hearts Of typical White voters.Hmm seems like that will never happen.

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