
What do you think Of my Religious Beliefs?

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I'm Christian... but not the usual one you would know.

-I believe in God

-I don't believe in everything I read in the bible

-I Never have said anything bad about non-religious sects.

-I have no problem with homosexuality, and I don't see why people do?

-I donate money to the Church AND to the homeless shelter. (I make sure were the Church donates the money.)

-I don't threaten non-believers with h**l, if they don't believe, than I don't force it on them.

-I'm Open Minded to all questions any other religion asks

-and lastly I Don't judge people, and I will still be friends with them no matter the religion, race, etc.

The Question:

What do you think of the above?




  1. Weak at best..if you are Christian as you claim, then you should know that you DON'T have the freedom to pick and choose what you do and don't like about the Word of God.  Read Romans Chapter 1

  2. If all religious people were like you, the world would be a better place.

  3. Not to be critical, but it sounds like you picked the parts of Christianity that are convenient for you. If you are looking for the warm fuzzy feeling that faith can bring, then that is the way to go.

    If you are looking for the actual truth, then I suggest you research the history and validity of the bible. It wasn't written to make us feel good, so there is a lot in there we don't like. That is because it was written as the truth.

    The bible tells us that we are kind, non-judgmental, and giving as a result of our relationship with Jesus. Mimicking these signs is no substitute for a relationship with Jesus.  

  4. Sounds good to me.  

  5. Dear Kina,

         When I was a new Christian I didn't believe everything in the Bible either.  I was confronted with the question: How do you decide what to believe and what not to believe? If Jesus is my Savior, who is He?  How do I know? History tells me a lot about Jesus, but only the Bible tells me that He is the only way to heaven.

         I was really conflicted because I was a budding scientist planning to go to Medical School and certain that evolution was the way the world had come about.  As far as I was concerned, Adam and Eve were a coupld of Ameoba-like creatures!!  As I studied science more and more in college and asked lots of questions, I found that my professors were very uncomfortable talking about creation of any kind.  So of course I wanted to know what they were embarassed about!!

         I read tons of books about Creationism and Evolution.  I read all sorts of books on different religions, I read Christian apologetics texts.  I read the Bible.  I prayed and prayed and prayed.  I decided I wanted to serve God and glorify Him and so the years have passed and now I have no doubt that the Bible is the absolute word of God and see that true science does not question that at all.

         I am glad you have never said anything bad about non-religious sects.  What are some non-religious sects you have in mind?  We are to love our enemies.  We are to love the sinner and hate the sin.  We are to share our faith when asked and yet shake the dust off our feet and move on when rejected.

         Homosexuality is a complex problem.  For some ppl it may be a genetically predetermined leaning.  Of course, alcoholism may be predetermined too.  Still we do whatever we can to "cure" or treat the illnesses which arise out of genetic flaws.  Many sins in the Bible are possibly caused by genes.  That does not make them sins but only shows how we all inherit the sin disease.  If you will, how original sin comes about.  Sin in Greek, literally means. miss the mark.  We all miss the mark.  When sin entered the world, death and decay and despair were its fruit.  Human disease is all the result of sin.  Not that our individual sins are punished with a disease---no way!!  But that sin just is and permeates everything so that no one anywhere can overcome it...except Jesus...who is God and man and lived a perfect sinless life in our place because He knew we couldn't do it alone.  Some homosexual activity is just curiosity and some is just rebelliousness and some is following a trend.  But it is no different than any other sin or any other disease...the ppl who suffer from it are to be loved and helped to become free from it.

         Good that you support your church and local charities.  That is a godly way to live.  Many churches support homeless shelters.  In our area, churches host homeless communities and churches share a ministry to homeless ppl.  I have a homeless person living w me right now and some of my friends think I am nuts to trust a stranger w my home.

         h**l is not a threat.  None of us (thank God) has the ability to send anyone to h**l.  And in fact, only ppl who choose h**l over Jesus will go.  If someone doesn't believe it has never been the responsibility of any believer [in Jesus] to "force" anything.  We are to be winsome and wiley.  As gentle as doves and as sly as foxes.  We want to win ppl to Jesus not scare them or anger them.  On the other hand, to ignore someone's unbelief as if it did not matter one way or the other, is to condemn them in a way.  By not sharing your hope in the resurrection daily, you may miss out on a "teachable moment" and inadvertantly leave someone w/o an answer or a hope such that they stay in their unbelief and die alone.

         You should be open-minded to questions of all kinds.  The scriptures say to be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks.  Are you familiar enough w Christianity to answer?  Are you familiar enough w science, history, archeology, apologetics, other religions?  None of us probably ever is knowledgeable enough but again scripture says that the Holy Spirit will teach us what to say when we need it.

         Good that you don't judge ppl.  Only God can judge.  Good that you are friends w anyone no matter what religion, race, etc.  So should all Christians be.  Most of my friends question the Christian faith in a big way.  Jesus ate with gluttons, drunks and prostitutes and was accused of being one himself!  How can we hope to win the lost unless we love them into the kingdom?

    My question back to you:

    What do you think of the above?

  6. You ok. Would like to know more. Holla.

  7. That you are a lukewarm Christian who is stuck between God and the world. You want to please your fellow men instead of God. That is not a judgement on you because I have caught myself having done that. The fact is that a Christian believes the bible because it is God's Word, all of it. We don't pick and choose. God has a problem with the act of homosexuality, not the person, so I do too. God loves a cheerful giver, one who gives in secret and doesn't expect praise because of it, because He will reward us in Heaven for all the good deeds we do. It is His money after all and we are merely stewards of it. A Christian should never threaten anyone but answer if asked and do so kindly. As for not judging people. I don't believe that you have never judged another. That is impossible unless you are perfect. Only Jesus is perfect.

  8. You have some common sense

  9. I wish all Christians were like you! You're a breath of fresh air! :-)

    Thank you for posting this; I hope that other Christians will follow your example.....

  10. Brilliant. You represent what Christianity should be about.

  11. You are a tiny minority in the Christian faith, and you have my admiration for attempting to emulate the original teachings of Jesus prior to their perversion by greed for power, spiritual pride, and mental confusion.  

  12. omg, finally!!!

    only if more people are like u, not just christianity but all religions become more open minded and less stubborn.

  13. awesome

  14. Bless you for being open minded, and yourself. I think that God values that more than anything. Keep it up! :)

    EDIT: Please don't listen to people who are telling you that you're doing something wrong. To quote another answer, you ARE a breath of fresh air! A tolerant, open minded Christian! That is awesome. Don't let them get you down! You keep on spreading the love. I appreciate your post.

  15. I think that your beliefs are excellent

    Joy S is wrong - homosexuality isn't like alcoholism nor is it a disorder or any of that nonsense

    "homosexual" was coined in 1869 so it can't be in the bible or a sin

    the bible was mistranslated and the two links below show how it has been in relation to "homosexual"

    many believers cherry-pick to  their convenience

  16. Who is Jesus to you and what is your relationship with Him?

  17. YOU GET A GOLD STAR for being reallistic person

  18. More tolerant Christian.

  19. Yeah... Your not a real christian.

    Real Christians:

    -Hate Homosexuals

    -Hate Unreligious People

    -Hate Other Religions

    -Threaten Others with h**l

    -Judge other people instantly.

    -Closed Minded

    -Believe everything in the bible.

    Not you. You my friend, are a decent person.

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