
What do you think? Ordered food to go at Islands Restaurant.Got there and the girl taking phone orders....?

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Is working super fast! i see shes getting my order together. i go to pay and dont know wether to tip or not!!! Confused!!! should you tip in this case? i was just picking up my food! ????????????




  1. h**l yea you tip you saw her working fast didnt you.  Throw her five dollars, and if you paid with a credit card guess who is paying at least 25 cents to a dollar for just swiping the card, the server. (in 95% of restaurants) everybody saying dont tip peace be with you. Tell i'm holding my tounge, yea eat your food.

  2. the only way i wouldnt tip is if i pick up "call in orders" at a drive thru window.

  3. no tips on take outs but compliments are always a good idea. thank her for being so nice and quick...she'll appreciate it.

  4. Being someone who would have to work "to-go's" I would say you should tip her because a lot of the time restaurants will put that on the same level as waiting tables.  Believe me making $2.13-$3.15/hr is not great unless you have the tips to back it up.

  5. it would be a nice gesture, but when picking up food, generally you do not have to tip


    even when doing take out. most people working at a restaurant are only earning 3 dollars an hour.. they rely on your tips!

  7. This is an area where the rules are changing.  Some people are tipping the guys behind the counter at a coffee or pizza place.

    I tip where there is a server but haven't been in a place like Long John Silver where someone brings your meal if it takes longer to prepare than to get the drink.  Panera Bread does this, too.

    You could have tipped the girl because she is doing the part of a waitress or server.  However, I'd guess most people wouldn't.  Depending on the restaurant, she may have to put the tip into a pool which all the servers, busboy, etc. share.

    Always thank the server.  Thank profusely if the service was better than just good.  Tell the manager about the server.  They hear so few complements.

    It never hurts to tip.

  8. If she is working hard to fill your order, then give her a dollar or something for her effort.

  9. Yeah I'd tip if I had money to spare.

  10. No tips on takeouts or buffets . In fact most do not allow it. It is actually considered an insult to the server.

    Everyone here who says to tip must be wealthier than Bill Gates. If you have money to just give to anybody why not give to a charity overseas? I am serious!

  11. YES!! I am a waitress and i rely on my tips. When i go out or even get coffee i tip. Remember i am a waitress so its not like im rich, you give one, you take one, what goes around comes around. I think you should tip at all times. A % of the total in a restaurant and a couple bucks on takeouts. Unless they are huge then more of course. Just imagine if you were in their shoes......Would you want a tip?

  12. Tips are supposed to be for extra good service.  If you expect her to get your food ready faster or better based on the fact that you are tipping her, then OK.  But I doubt it.  So , like the first answer said, "no tips in takout".

  13. yes you should tip a few dollars.

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