
What do you think? Persephone or Nicolette?

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What do you think? Persephone or Nicolette?




  1. Despite the myth of Persephone, I think it is quite elegant and beautiful. A very good name!I absolutely adore this name! I'm not sure if I would name my kid this though, not because of the pronunciation or anything (you'd have to be pretty ignorant to not know and recognize the name). I think the story behind the name is nice and doesn't put me off it at all, but ... I don't know, there is just something that makes me uneasy about it. Hope I don't sound crazy.This name is so feminine and pure-sounding. Surprisingly, I can imagine an older person with this name, not just a kid or teenager.

  2. Nicolette

  3. Persephone

    It is my sisters name.

    We shorten it to Sephy.

    Contrary to what everyone else is saying, my sister always gets complimented on her name, and personally i think it is very graceful, and very feminine


  4. What does each name mean to you? How does each of them go with your last name? What middle names do you have picked out?

    I personally like Nicolette, but Persephone is nice as well. I would say to go with the name that has the most meaning to you.  We chose to do both our Grandmother's name when we named our daughter. Amelia Angelica. Lots of meaning to us both.  

  5. Agreed w/pper who said Nicolette reminds her of Nicorette. Therefore, my vote is for Persephone, although I think it makes a better pet name than baby name.

  6. Nicolette is very pretty. Persephone is a little too unusual for my taste, Penelope would be better.

  7. Well neither really.

    But out of those two I would choose Persephone. Nicolette reminds me of Nicorette. =S

  8. Nicolette!

  9. Nicolette is very pretty and sophisticated. A name like Persephone would most likely get made fun of.  

  10. Persephone may be the worst name I have heard. Nicolette is much better.  

  11. Wow, really hard choice for me lol.  I LOVE both of them, Persephone because it just sounds gorgeous and classic (like ancient times classic lol) and Nicolette because it's so flirty and French lol.  Nicolette is definitely the more conservative though of the two, so if I were to pick a name for an actual kid (as opposed to a story character), that's what I'd go with personally.  But if you're more daring and bolder than me, Persephone wouldn't be a bad choice at all!  It's not totally unheard-of, and it sounds equally cute and fun (but not over-the-top at the same time).

    PS I love someone else's suggestion of Penelope also; it's a bit of a compromise between the classic sound of Persephone and the stability of Nicolette.

  12. i prefer nicolette, when i first read persephone i thought it was horrible but i pronounced it like purse a phone, is that correct?? if its pronounced per sef any that is a little better but i still prefer nicolette

  13. Nicolette....what in the heck is Persephone??

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