
What do you think?? [[[Pics included]]]?

by  |  earlier

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Would you call me pretty?

I've been told Im not...

And im kinda upset abt it... Im really hurt. People sometimes are so offensive.





  1. Yeah of course ur pretty!

  2. stop asking this question! honestly! you claimed you arent fishing for compliments. youre coming off very codependent. you dont need other people to tell you that your beautiful! so cut it out!

  3. You are very attractive, but if you need to approval of anon people on the internet...just put it this way, there will always be people hating on you, that's their job, just ignore them and go on with life.  

  4. ommggg !!!!!!

    ur a gorgeous girl!!!!!!

    beuitful even

    i bet those other a**holes were jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ps. love ur lipgloss lol


  5. you are not pretty. you are beautiful. i don't believe anyone would tell you differently. but people can be a******s. especially on yahoo answers

  6. silly question ur r not ugly u r actually very pritty and shude shun the non belivers SHUN! lol :)

  7. i think you are very pretty! don't listen to people who try to put you down, they are just jealous! keep your confidence up and don't let other peoples opinions get to you!!  

  8. You are.

  9. ur average,i like ur eyes though!

  10. not gonna click ya virus links, But your prolly ugly.


    the problem with people is, they don't really appreciate what they've got until they don't have it or it's gone. I really find every person beautiful in their own way. (I think every person in the world is pretty except me, really) I believe I'm not pretty, but I think you are :)


    many people envy you :)

  12. Pretty... and ur the same gal who answered my question if i was good or bad! :D. .cheer up honey.. ur beautiful.. and *** those who think u are ugly.. dont let their cheap comments let u down.. they are just jealous.. ur unique in ur own way.. god's made everyone perfectly..

    Here was ur answer:;...

  13. Nooo! Your gorgeous. Let your hair down and you would be perfect. xx

  14. I think you're really pretty.

    I'm not just saying that, i honestly do think that you're really pretty.

    Don't let people get you down.

  15. your not ugly but your not pretty maybe some make up a nice hairdo.

  16. ur really pretty

  17. im going to be brutally honest .

    i really think you are gorgeous .

    dont let anyone tell you otherwise

  18. You actually do have quite good facial structure you should work on your hair style because the quality of your hair is actually quite stunning. Complexion wise you are doing very good and your make up is done very well. Try a more exotic lip color and you would be super model perfect!

  19. ur pretty

  20. People say things to hurt others all the time its because they feel insecure!! Your pretty don't worry :)

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