
What do you think? Pregnancy question?

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I am rather confused right now. Last month my husband and I used no method of birth control, so for the first time in months and months, I had a chance of getting pregnant. Now my period is several days late. Only once before in my entire life have I ever been more than a day late, and that was when I was pregnant with number 1. Okay, so my conclusion was naturally that I must be pregnant. But when I took the test, it was negative. But there is still no sign of my period. The test was meant to be used the first day of missed period. Okay, I understand that I could POSSIBLY be late for an unknown reason BUT why this month when I had a chance of pregnancy, when it's never happened before in my 15 years of having periods? Coincidence? Your thoughts, please.




  1. Everyone is different and everyone response differently with home pregnancy tests they say if ur testin b4 ur due preiod to take ur 1st morning urine if ur testin after ur missed period it shouldnt matter when u test.I went off the pill in may this yr to have baby#3 i never recieved my july period i had a gut feelin i was pregnant so i took first response test which u can take 5 days before ur due period i got a slight positive unfortunately i started bleeding 5 days later and lost it,i fell pregnant again last mth same thing all positive 6 days later i started bleeding again they call it a chemical pregnancy another name for very early miscarriage i would say wait a few days take another test or go see doctor good luck anyway.  

  2. you should go to a doctor and take a blood test to confirm

  3. take another test

    they're not always accurate.  I mean....when it's positive then it's most likely accurate ('cause it can't detect a pregnancy hormone unless it's actually there)........but when it says "negative" another one in a couple of days if you don't get your period.  

  4. hmm, stress (known or unknown to you) can make you late or even skip. maybe because you were thinking about the fact you could be, its making you stressed (even if you don't think you are.. you know how stress works its a sneaky sucker) strange one. i guess if you're not preggers and can now have more s*x cos you haven't got your period you should be cheering!! haha

  5. if your late i would get a blood test done as they are more accurate and can tell you the level of hormone as well as finding out whether your pregnant or not

  6. It may still be alittle to early. Even though they say hey take this at the first day of your missed period doesn't always mean that pregnancy hormones will be Strong enough to show at that time. I would wait a couple more days and then test again. Lots of luck and baby dust your way if you are trying for #2!!!!!

  7. You may be pregnant.I wouldn't trust those test because they are not always accurate.I took a test last year (First Response) and it was negative.My period was late and I panic for 2 weeks.Go to the doctor for a blood test.I had to do that and to my surprise I was pregnant indeed.

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