
What do you think Shaul Mofaz' role in Israel will be after Olmert leaves office?

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  1. Another war criminal .....

    Tzipi will not let him advance, she's looking to be the PM and E.Barack a high ranked in her cabinet.

  2. I doubt that Shaul Mofaz will take the party leadership from Livni in the upcoming primaries, but he has a chance if he can play up his defense experience versus her lack of one. Ultimately, I think he's an opportunist politician incapable of electibility and without anything special to bring to the table. He will most likely fade away and be overshadowed by other options.

  3. The same as he has today, a PM wannabe and a warmonger.  

  4. More useless peace negotiations.

  5. we always have to remember the overheared phrase when he was talking to sharon about its time to kill arafat

    out of that you can guess that even if he goes into the 100 years negotiations he would go to kill if things go toi the favor of others

    but in short

    what is new in that???

  6. it seems that it would be natenihoo or mis levny

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