
What do you think? She returned my gift, and I'm hurt =(?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a college student & use the university health center. I get my prescrips from there. Well, I messed up and tried to get my script on the same day, but the nurse prac. has to fill them (I didn't know that). She was off that day and had to drive all the way to the uni just to fill my script. I felt awful. I didn't see her that day, but I went to the bookstore and got her a thank you card and put 5 dollars in it for gas b/c it's so expensive. Well, today I had an app. and she gave me the money back and told me that was sweet but wasn't my prob. I told her thanks and I felt really bad.




  1. That was really nice of you to do that, and I'm sure you made her feel very appreciated, which was what you wanted to do, right?  She may not have wanted to take money from a college student when she is a paid professional.

  2. You have to be very careful about giving money as a gift of appreciation, it isn't always acceptable.

    A token gift, chocolates, a card, a flower nicely wrapped,

    a suitable magazine - gardening-home- vogue -, show that you appreciate her care.  She seems to be a very nice person, and knowing that you are a student realises that you are probably strapped for cash. Next time you see her just thank her again - and tell her you appreciate that she took so much trouble.

    She will appreciate that.

    It was a very thoughtful on your part - and shows you are a caring, considerate person.

  3. don't be hurt she gets paid to do this and doesn't feel right to take money from you.

  4. There might be some rule that service providers are not to accept gifts (for fear it may appear to look like a bribe or some other illegal activity even though it's not).  The card is sufficient, she realizes you appreciate her extra efforts (and she will get paid overtime, might get reimbursed for gas by the university or can take it off on her tax returns as a work expense).  Just don't make the same mistake again.

  5. I am sure that she appreciated your apology and actually caring.  She also cannot ethically except monetary gifts from patients so don't take it personal.  That could get her in trouble.

  6. you shouldnt feel bad. its the truth, its not your prob and im glad she returned it. kinda weird for her to accept money from students anyways

  7. she just doesnt thinkk iz your fault. she thinks it would be rude tooh accept your money wen she thinks it wasnt necessaryy.

    shes just being poliet dont worry!

  8. Don't take it personally!  Some places have policies that prohibit staff from accepting gifts from clients or patients, and maybe this is the case at your campus health centre.  The fact that she gave the money back to you doesn't mean that receiving it didn't make her day or make her feel great that you appreciated what she did for you.  

    You will never go wrong when you thank someone for something nice they did.  You shouldn't feel bad at all!

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