
What do you think US energy policy should be?

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What do you think US energy policy should be?




  1. My idea is simple, but it should work.

    Drill our own oil, develop actual economically feasible alternatives, (not the pie in the sky c**p we hear preached about now), and tell the entire middle east to s***w! I mean, why would we even need to deal w them if their oil was worthless to us?

    See, I solved two issues. Oil independence, AND those psychos in the middle east can burn each other to ashes and we wouldn't  be bothered! Sweet, huh?  

  2. If i was elected president of the States I would continue drilling for oil, however meanwhile build a variety of energy resources such as Wind Power, Nuclear Power, Solar Power etc until there is enough to replace the 'Grid'.

    Then I would invest in more Nuclear Plants for every town and around 2 turbines per town to help power homes even further for my next idea, the electric car, home charged in 3 hours with a mileage of the average petrol car.

    I would then form a meeting to discuss the greatest means of public transport, the aircraft and work my socks off with companies to make them 100% liquid hydrogen.

    I would then advance on my ideas, help Britain with their Co2 emissions considering they are our greatest friend and also form a pact with neighbors Canada and Mexico.


  3. Invest heavily in clean, renewable energy, including solar, wind, and geothermal. Give federal rebates for individuals and companies who invest in renewable energy.

    Mandate auto makers to increase fuel efficiency and alternate fuel vehicles. Invest in both public transportation and bike friendly infastructure. Tax gas more so people will have a financial incentive to reduce their driving and buy fuel efficient vehicles. Give tax breaks for alternate fuel vehicles.

    Limit our imports of oil from other countries.

    If our government would be willing to make real changes like these I wouldn't oppose offshore drilling or nuclear plants.

  4. 1) Drill in Alaska and off the coast

    2) Process Shale oil

    3)  Built 50 Nuke Plants

    4)  Stop that terrible biodiesel. It is bad for the environment and is a waste.

    5) Develop liquified coal

    6) Continue to encourge Solar and Wind

    7)  Develop Wave Power

    8)  Increase cafe numbers

    9)  Encourage conservation as much as possible.

    10)  Form a pack with Mexico and Canada on energy.

    11) Get rid of things like light rail...a waste

  5. Build about 500 nuclear power plants to replace every fossil fuelled power plant in the country (and probably replace a lot of 'renewable' power sources that aren't worth paying the maintenance costs of).

    While that's happening work on finding a replacement for oil for transportation.

    The NRC should be expanded into an agency that regulates all power sources, not just nuclear and holds everything to the same standard.

  6. Massive use of solar energy and the harnessing of the sun's immense power.

  7. We need to do all we can to see that we have the fuel we need...The Democrats need to know if they can not do the job the Republicans will..We need to drill in all the posibilities. Who is the genius that will not let USA drill but just a little south of Florida ,the Chinese are drilling,,,

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