
What do you think Vision 20/20 No More Cheap Food ?

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I am so disgusted with the performance of this government thus far. I love Trinidad & Tobago, but this selfish government is really upsetting me and changing my heart. I would pray for the innocent people in Trinidad who would suffer as a result of this government. I would also pray that this government operates with wisdom so that Trinbagonians can live peaceful lives. We need a new government of young, intelligent people. No PNM, No UNC, No COP! No NEPOTISM, No CORRUPTION, No SELFISHNESS! There are a lot of intelligent young people out there who probably would do a better job. God, Have Mercy on Trinidad and Tobago.




  1. Roger yuh see dat vision cokieye !

    Brown should do de honourable ting and resign de wuk ...he lie bout de jet, he lie bout he wuk, and he say (in ah different way) dat all yuh cud haul allyuh tail and pay de kiss meh aS$ money for the food or starve.

    But we like it so ..... nice tall buildings, supersonic jets, railways and big stadia ---- but yuh ded if yuh get sick or dey go tief yuh chile in de hospital

  2. Alright, I totally agree, but who starting it?  All young people doing is talking that S**t but nobody ain't doing ah t'ing. So right now the choice is to get in your party and try to work it from dey.

  3. Amen.

  4. I agree with u, but dont let dem change your mind about your country, love yuh country, love yuh team. Dat finance minister is one jack ***. Because he can't controll de power of de dollar he sayin no more cheap food? wdmc???  Stupes, how food still cheap in other countries? Cus dey have sensible ministers who cud controll dey economy. And dey sensible enough to grow food and not shut dong dey cane industry.

    I cuda swear i see de lass part of ur question somewhere else on Y!A....


    Exactly @ TS, if yuh eh vote, doh complain. But all i cud do is talk cuz i cant vote :(

    I would if i cud

  5. i am also being changed at heart cause it's the same thing i always say poor getting poorer and the rich getting richer poor people can't even afford to have a nice Sunday family lunch like manning can't buy flour or bread or rice nothing the thing that hurts me more about trinidad is how the gov't think they are doing a good job, the high food prices, the criminals who love the idea of running things, and the lack of love and compassion for each other i remember times when you can wear all you gold and go out have a good time not again, when bread was about $1.60 now oh god help the poor people help them

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