
What do you think Walt Disney meant by this Quote?

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"Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children."

i don't really understand what he meant by saying this. What are your thoughts?




  1. i think he means that in general children should be given a good education.

    but i know if i didnt have half day sessions ever, id be a little disappointed. and i hate classes with only 15 other people in them. it feels lonely.  

  2. I think it means that since children are going to be the future adults of the world, that they aren't getting the proper tools to be great adults. Well that's my guess anyways. Its kind of hard to put it into words, to properly explain what I meant.

  3. Mr. Disney meant that our children's minds were being clouded by classes full of kids because there is a serious lack of one-on-one education. the half day sessions is exactly that, you don't get a full day of learning in, only half... so the day is wasted.

    that's exactly what Mr. Disney meant.

  4. I think he meant that are students are not getting enough one on one time in the class room because they are to crowded and that the classes are getting shorter meaning less is being learned.  And thats a waste of our childrens minds.

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