
What do you think a girl who wears a size 4?

by  |  earlier

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because i am a 4

i feel huge

i wanna be a 2

but family and friends think s that to thin

what your opinion?




  1. ur really thin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wear a size 7 (but i do have a big a*s)!!!

  2. I think a size 4 would be a lovely girl :)

  3. i think of ALICE L

  4. You are PERFECT!  My Neighbor who is a couple yrs. younger then me is 4 ft. 9 in. and a size 4!  You are much taller so I am shure you are skinny!

  5. I am a size four too, and I love my size I think I'm not to fat but I think I am also not a skinny model freak!! You should like your size to!!

  6. I think you're anorexic.


  7. Yeah, you're huge. :|

    Edit: Oh, come on! Why the thumbs down? I was obviously being sarcastic.

  8. I think 4 is definitely not even  close to being huge.  

  9. : ( You have my dream body.

    size four is perfect for you. size two may seem perfect to you now but being a size four gives your curves to make you look more womanly. I am a size four but wayy shorter than you, you should feel extremely happy with your current body.

  10. 4 is not big believe me

    most of all its basically the hips

    for me

    my hips are so big that after my pants are on my waist has so much room

    Don't worry about it

  11. I'm a 1? But I DEFINETLY don't think 4 is big AT ALL!

    Answer mine please!

  12. I wish I was a size 4! I'm a size 7 and size 4 is NOT fat at all!

  13. My opinion is that you may have body dysmorphic disorder.

  14. 4 is tiny. I wear a 5, and I'm not fat at all. 2 is way sickly looking unless you're very short and petite.

  15. Way too thin.  "Emaciated" is not s**y.

  16. people who wear a size 4 are really thin and a totally normal size! your not huge. if you feel big and wanna loose weight to be a size 2, then do it. whatever makes you happy and feel good about yourself. just make sure it doesn't get out of hand.  

  17. I don't know, two girls who wear a size 4 could look quite different.  Although I think it's safe to say a size 4 is pretty small, and if you think you're fat you may have some psychological problem.

  18. I think that that is kinda ok =S

    I think a 2 is a perrrfect size tho maybe even a 0

  19. if u 5'7 and a size 4... i think that ur perfect... if u don't think that than u must have a self esteem problem

  20. I'm a size 3. And I'm not skinny, but I dont feel huge at all.

  21. well your age,hight & weight depend on that 2 so its har 2 say

    here answer mine;...

  22. 4 isn't huge at all. It's fine.  

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