
What do you think about Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth"?

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do you think he is correct about global warming? why or why not?





  1. I believe its tag-line should read:

    "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time...and that's good enough for an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize."

  2. He scammed you idiots...  He discussed two measurements taken at the polar ice caps taken by two totally different means, yet passed them off as the same...  He got a freakin NOBEL prize from a SCAM!!!!!

  3. I haven't seen it yet. I know, I'm such a dork...

  4. He has been shown to be a liar in a court of law.

    He should have to apologize to all the world for out right lies. If not lies, then he should apologize for being a rather large boob. After that, he should be required to give back every dime he has earned based on his movie, and his carbon credits corp. Al Gore has made more money off this lie than anyone.

    What a complete fake!

  5. I think he is correct.

    But he does not tell how to stop it. (reduce CO2 outpult)

    stay heathy

  6. its obvious that global warming is currently happening

    its been proven by scientist by temperature

    of land and oceans

    the only thing thats debatable is whether its cuased by man or natural cycle

    some of the data stated in al gores An Inconvient Truth is not correct but still he is trying to promote to all people of the world if they are going to stand around and wait for inevitable death of ocean life wildlife and plant and human life as we know it or stand up and fight for better gov't regulations by the e.p.a.

  7. He has the basics right, but some details wrong.  Sometimes (snow on Kilimanjaro) because the science has changed.

    The basics are:

    Global warming is real, mostly caused by us, a serious problem, and capable of being solved by us.

    A famous British court case found exactly that.  Right on the basics, maybe wrong on a few details.  Someone had sued to try to prevent the movie from being shown in public schools.  They lost, big.

    Most all scientists agree about that.  This is a list of a few of the scientific organizations that do:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    EDIT - The guy below who claims the court found the movie to be bad, is relying on right wing blog accounts of the case which "spun" it shamelessly.  THE MOVIE WON.  Read the decision here yourself:

    The bottom line was:

    "It is clear that the Defendant understandably formed the view that AIT was an outstanding film, and that schools should be enabled to show it to pupils."

  8. Propaganda.

  9. It's a LIE. It was found in court not to be wrong on a few details, BUT LYING ON ELEVEN MAJOR POINTS!

    Alot of you here aren't old enough to remember the 1970's. but I do. Do you know what the crisis of that decade was? GLOBAL COOLING!! It was touted with fervor equal to that of the fearmongers of today, with celebs and politicians predicting a NEW ICE AGE!! They predicted that by 1990 glaciers covering New England and the northern Great Plains leading to worldwide food shortages and the Mississippi River going dry because it's headwates and tributaries would be frozen.

    It was hype then, and it's hype now. Cooling and warming are natural cycles of Earth and will go on long after Al Gore becomes one with the planet he pimped like his own personal ho.

  10. It's pure alarmist propaganda, and a way to give Al Gore relevance and financial prosperity. Some of the information in the film has already been debunked including the holy grail hockey stick graph.

  11. I believe it was a great movie focusing on the effects of global warming. Sure it makes Al look good but it also shows what will happen if we dont come together and do our best to stop pollution and global warming. It was a major talk in our school, and very convincing. I do believe that he is correct about the future. If we take a look around us-we see what really happens and sooner or later, we'll all realize it.

  12. Pure political BS designed to give Al Gore another 15 minutes of fame.  Nothing more.

  13. I thought it was a bad science fiction movie,I think he is blowing a lot of smoke up every ones you know what. Because if he was really serious he would have changed his life stile to back up his movie.

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