
What do you think about Amtrak's decision to increase security?

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Do you thik it is too little to late, or do think they need to do more then just random bag searches?




  1. very important and if late, not a problem it  has now been addressed. I appluaude them for this action.

  2. Amtrak already does more than random bag searches.

    They are simply not doing what the TSA is doing in airports, which is expensive, disruptive, ineffective security theater.  (harassing unlikely people who should not be searched, only to appear fair by being random, is not security. It's 1984.)

    Amtrak is using a more European or Israeli approach of "watch the people" rather than "watch the stuff".  

    You tend not to notice that they're doing it, because it isn't intrusive or inconvenient.  You don't have to do anything, so it seems like they're not doing anything.  That's exactly how good security people like it :)'

    The other thing about trains is most of the threat is from the outside, and most of the threat is not terror. Case in point, one buffoon in an SUV achieving by accident what terrorists couldn't have even planned.

  3. I completely agree with Wolf here.  If one reads Don Phillips' columns the European approach to security is very efficient and works extremely well without bothering passengers (Don spent several months in Europe riding, researching, and speaking with officials and employees of their high-speed rail services.), in contrast to the TSA's disruptive and mostly ineffective approach of harassing travelers.  And, keep in mind that Europe moves millions more by rail annually, than here in the U.S.

    Up until now Amtrak's approach to rail security, similar in nature to Europe's, as Wolf said, has worked just fine (since the carrier began nearly 37 years ago there have been no serious terrorist acts carried out by a passenger to date) and to be honest, random bag searches will likely do little to increase safety and merely inconvenience passengers.

  4. Thinking like this Question forbears the coming of a National ID card.

  5. What do you mean. "too little too late?"  Nothing has happened on AMTRAK. National ID cards are the answer

  6. It's a useless gesture designed to make the American public think the govt.  has a clue.    Searching bags does no good unless you also search and control access to the shops,  rails,  and terminals.

  7. Well, watching CNN's coverage I'm curious because it sounds like this "security" is soley an EAST COAST thing.

    I don't think it is "too little, too late" because we have not YET had an incident on Amtrak... and hopefully it will catch any possible attempts... as well as some random old-fashioned criminals as well.

    I'd now like to see Amtrak PUSH to improve their SERVICE and service-routes

  8. I think it's a good idea, here's part of an article which explains that the Uk and other European countries are planning to increase rail security :

    Airport-style security checks could come to train stations in UK and other European countries as governments look at ways to protect the public from terrorist atrocities in the wake of the Madrid commuter train bombing.

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