
What do you think about Anthony Kim?

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Is he the next:

1- Phil Mickelson - Challenger to Tiger

2- Sergio Garcia - promising, but will always lose.

3- Michell Wie - looks good now, but will end up as a nobody




  1. I think he will be the next Vijay, someone who actually takes Tiger's #1 ranking away at some point.

  2. michell wie. they both suck. and they both dress like f**s

  3. 1 - No, because Tiger is in his own league.  Even after the knee surgery, Tiger will probably come out with a new way to swing around his injury to win future tournaments.  His mental strength is unbelievable.

    2 - No, because AK will win some....even a major or two.

    3 - No, because AK doesn't look good.  He's no way near Wie's look or .........height.  

    AK will be.....just AK, just like any other players.  He'll win some here and there, but nothing spectacular.  Tiger is out, so the media needs something else to talk about.  They can only do so much with knee surgery.

  4. He will end up as a Sergo Gracia

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