
What do you think about Arkansas?

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Would you live there or not?




  1. No!  No offense but i am used to the Urban and Arkansas is pretty hick like  

  2. I love Arkansas. I have lived here all my life.  It is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.  But cold here is nothing like the cold in the northern states and when its hot here its isn't sticky hot like in the very southern states.  We have foot hills and mountains, along with large rivers or lakes that are always near by. I live in a large populated area and it only takes 30 min to an hour in each direction to be one with nature.

  3. Never been there, but...

    Yes I would, because It's apart of the south, I like the southern feeling.

    My Uncle lived in Arkansas for a while (Military) but now lives in Alabama.

    I'd lived there, if I could.

  4. Yes. In fact, I do live there. It's great if you don't like the hot, humid summers; even then, you could live up in NW Arkansas near the mountains (we went there for vacation this summer).

    Plus, their football team is great! :]

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