
What do you think about Boris blowing the whistle on that "P1ss-Artist" Ken Livingstone?

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There were stories and film about Livingstone on the early-morning P1ss even before this!

Whisky at his morning meetings! And such-like.




  1. Shows Ken Livingstone up for the hypocrite he really is - a supposed socialist enjoying the trappings of the rich. At least with Boris he doesn't pretend to be something he isn't.

  2. Politicians need watching when they start to go on like this, it is usually a cover up for their own incompetence.

  3. I happen to think Livingstone did a good job as mayor and he only lost the election because of the Government's unpopularity. Boris is a joke. I bet Cameron is over the moon to have got rid of him. I dare say we will soon be hearing stories of Boris' c**k ups and misdemeanours. Boris may be amusing but no way is he a serious politician.

  4. It was well known long before Boris even considered standing that Ken is a a bit too keen on the sauce.

  5. Would he not be better getting on with the ruddy job instead of trying to blacken the name of the last guy?I would expect a mayor to have some decent bottles of red in the office for visiting dignitaries.I have quite a few myself!Lol.


  6. Bad form! The known adulterer Boris squeaks about the now redundant maybe-a-drunk Ken Livingstone. Dear me, no honour among thieves is there? Politicians? Coo.

    Gob shut and on with the job now please Boris - and a bit of bleedin' decorum.

    Edit: 4 thumbs down here eh? *lol* Gosh, I didn't realise politicians were still so well liked and appreciated by the British public. Boris in particular. Yes, I liked him on "Have I Got News For You" too. Even if he won't have a clue what to do trying to run London.


  7. I am glad the truth has come out but I hope that Boris keeps his own nose clean, otherwise this disclosure will come to haunt him.

  8. I'd be more impressed if he got on with the job in hand, and if he honoured the promises and commitments he made when running for mayor.

    Routemaster return, not going to happen.

    Pensioners able to use freedom pass 24 hours, no plans to implement.

  9. That's funny - i wonder why ken is so defensive about wine

  10. I think it's really funny, particularly given Livingstone's tetchiness over the subject.

    All I can say is thanks for bringing the article to my attention. I've had a good laugh!

  11. Would we expect anything different from Ken, but Boris has no room to talk. I wonder who will whistle blow on him next, can't wait to see what it is.

  12. about time something was done about the freeloaders on the london council, the public is entitled to know what their money is being used for, evidently to prop up businesses set up by Kens Cronies. hopefully some of the missing money can be found and used to better advantage for londoners.

  13. Boris blowing the whistle on that "P1ss-Artist" Ken Livingstone?


    They're all as bad as each other - just wait till it's Boris' turn to have the dirt revealed...

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