
What do you think about Catholic Adoption Agency allowing...?

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same s*x couples to adopt?

A while back I asked this question:;_ylt=AlIESuhSf6_duwlamNfLjwVIzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080516182817AAhgvm3

and there were some pretty thought provoking replies.

On one hand, i'm thinking, if they don't believe in it, why are they allowing and taking part in it.

Of course, i think that if heterosexual couples are allowed to adopt, there is no reason same s*x couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt.

As Jennifer L said in the above linked question before the Catholics made their decision, they are a private organization so I'm now wondering, would they be able to stay open and still discriminate against g*y PAP's? or are they choosing to remain open to all couples only to stay in operation, OR could they remain in operation and discriminate but are allowing same s*x couples to adopt so that they can make more money?

thanks for your thoughts :)




  1. + Homosexuality +

    The Catholic Church believes there is nothing sinful about being homosexual. But homosexuals like all unmarried people are called to celibacy.

    Unmarried cohabiting couples, whether heterosexual or homosexual, are living in sin.

    + Adoptions +

    The Catholic Church regularly matches orphans with married (heterosexual) couples. People who are living as our religion believes God intended.

    Catholics believe that not only it is not in the best interest of the child to place them in an environment of immorality and sin that if they place orphans with unmarried couples then they themselves will be sinning in the process.

    Catholic doctors are not forced to perform abortions. Catholic prison workers are not forced to execute prisoners. Catholics are not forced to commit what they believe to be sinful acts in any other part of society.

    What happened to freedom of religion?

    For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church, section 2357-2359:

    + With love in Christ.

  2. I worked for a Catholic Charities in IL.  Their was another Catholic Charities in CHicago that closed down and said it was because it was too expensive to get insurance.  That was a lie.   They closed for gross neglect! Some of their foster children had not been seen for over a year and were being abused in their foster homes.  

    Agencies lie to get out of looking bad.

  3. I am not Catholic but I do think its hypocritical for them to do so.  I am wondering what benefit they are getting out of it ?

    I am a believer in God and having a mother and father .

    Catholic adoption agencies have always been involved in corrupt behavior since there very beginnings

  4. I think Catholic charities need to stay in business to pay off the staggering number of abuse claims filed against them.

    Besides that, it's not all that difficult to open application for adoption to g*y people, while keeping them at the bottom of the list as much as possible. After all, waiting lists are not public.

  5. it shows the hypocrisy in the catholic adoption agency. it's the same hypocrisy that makes young unmarried women believe that it's "God's will" that they gestate, birth and hand over their babies. many of the children taken in the BSE were affiliated with "catholic charities". after all, if a "catholic" organization  endorses it, then it must be ok...

    it's all about the mighty dollar folks.

  6. "Of course, i think that if heterosexual couples are allowed to adopt, there is no reason same s*x couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt."

    I disagree.


    Adoption is about what's best for the kids, not the adoptive parents.

    I believe adoption should be like a hefty insurance policy.  They should get what they lose.  

    A mother and a father.

  7. Money, money, money!

  8. Hi there.

    I don't see this as a g*y rights issue or even an adoption issue.  I see it as a separation of church and state issue.  While I understand that not every country makes as big a deal of this as the US does, that's the lens I'm looking through.

    A church-run adoption agency that is not funded by tax dollars should be allowed to operate according to their beliefs, as far as who they want to work with and who they don't.  If an adoption agency run by the LDS decides they will only work with LDS familes, fine.  If the Reverend Wright's church opens an adoption agency and won't adopt to white people, fine as well.  Or the United Church of the KKK, (or whatever) You get the idea.

    It doesn't mean I agree with their position.  I may not like it at all. But that's beside the point.

    The state completely has the right to insist that secular agencies cannot discrimiate on basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, hair color, blood type, or whatever.  

    I can't help wondering if they'll tell the Catholic Church next that they have to ordain women because they're being discriminatory on the basis of gender.  

    As I said in my previous question.  I've got nothing against the Catholic Church.  I'm not even Catholic.  I've also got nothing against g**s adopting.  I just see this as a separation of church and state issue.  There's more to it  than just having the ACLU remove the manger scene in front of City Hall at Christmas.

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