
What do you think about Dad in jail because daughter did not get GED? See Video below.?

by Guest57634  |  earlier

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Above is link to video news link from Associated Press. Dad is in jail for 6 months because daughter was ordered by court to get GED and did not comply.




  1. The daughter is 18 almost 19.....she is a woman, an adult.  Why is the father still responsible for her actions?

  2. It's unfortunate, but if more parents were up on what their kids were doing there would not be a need for this.  The girl also had a kid, what does she think she can do for that child with no education?  In the school district I work for there are over 800 children that are truant.  Parents don't know where their kids are and are not making their kids follow rules.  I don't know what happened in the last 20 years for all this to change so dramatically but at least one judge is trying to make parents accountable.  Maybe it is time for more serious actions like this, how else will America survive with every generation getting worse and worse.

  3. I think this is a grave miscarraige of justice.You can only do so much.The girl in question should be the one in jail what are you learning here?The man stands to lose his job,home and everything else because of what he didn't do? I am sorry this makes no sence at all.The judge could of make her a ward of the state untill she was 18 in which case she probably would not have this child and she would of gotten the ged.So if anyone is too blame its the judge and the girl in question.The parents had already done all they could legally.This just leads to serious mis judgement in carrying out the law.

  4. wow, that is unreal! so everything is dad's fault!

  5. We don't know the details, so our picture is incomplete.

    My daughter had a truancy problem, and I was in the situation of trying to make her go to school.  But she was obviously too old for me to carry in.  I was told that if I could not get her to school, I should come in myself and sign in.  This protected me from any charges that I didn't do my best to make her attend school.

    Also, I worked with them by telling them what kinds of things would motivate her.  They did manage to keep her in school until she was 18 and an adult.

    I don't know, but I imagine that this father was also offered assistance in dealing with his daughter, and didn't make use of it.  I doubt that the judge is so unreasonable to charge him with something he had no control over.

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