
What do you think about Darwin Theory now?

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What do you think about Darwin Theory now?




  1. Darwin collected actual evidence that can never be disproven! His theory is a result of hard evidence.

    He did not write a 'story' called 'The origin of Species' that was convenient for man to beleive.

    That's what the bible is: A story, with absolutely no evidentiary support.

  2. Darwin Theory is only a fairy tales and nowadays have reject evolution theory....

    Between early 2001 and the present day there have been a number of very interesting and important developments in the world of science. The advances made in such different scientific fields as palaeontology, molecular biology, anatomy and genetics have once again revealed the terrible scientific dilemma the theory of evolution finds itself in. The theory of evolution was proposed in its present form in the mid-19th century by Charles Darwin and at that time provided enormous support for materialism. Such was that support that the present collapse of the theory is also resulting in the collapse of materialism itself. Materialism is a most dangerous philosophy, which denies the existence of God, religion and the spiritual life and which regards matter as the only absolute and supports a selfish world view. The selfish, self-interested, combative and ruthless moral view which is still widespread in the world is the product of a materialist-Darwinist viewpoint.

    evolution theory is only a fairy tales not science fact

  3. Credible.Of course.

  4. Much more believable than creation legends with absolutely NO evidence or proof!

  5. Very scientific , believable , supported by mountains of evidence .

  6. WAYYYY more credibility than the MYTHS and LEGENDS of creation! This guy has a sh**load of evidence.

    The bible? A sh**load of contradictions and intolerance for people who don't believe in it!

    Who wants to worship an opressive superior anyway?

    "Do what I say or I'll smite you!" um.. No thanks!

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