
What do you think about Europeans becmoing minority?

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whites in europe will be extinct in the future... thouhts?




  1. Yes they are being over run by the Muslims.In the UK they can't get rid of them and they are rioting and taking over.Over here we are fast being inundated with Muslims Asians and Mexicans just to mention a few and they all want their own culture acknowledged and if we don't oblige we are racist.They don't want to speake english they want to keep their own Garb and want us to install footbath and lay out rugs for their prayers.Why did they come here if they don't want to fit in.

  2. In a couple more decades or generations they will become the Islamic Caliphate of Europe.

  3. Hahahahaha that is silly. It's not like they're pandas. They know how to get down. ;)

  4. The world's gonna end in 2012 anyway. So who cares.

  5. On average of Western and Eastern Europe, Europe is close to 90% white European, so the question is retarded.

  6. Well, you have Hispanics, most of whom are Catholic.  And as the Bible says, "become many and fill the Earth," a scripture Hispanics have taken to heart, believe me.

    Then you've got the Chinese and Indians, which bring Asians to the top of the game with having the two largest populations on Earth.

    Its no wonder the white people are falling behind.  You guys have the Irish, tell them to get to work.

  7. Even if we still have a majority, we'll lose our culture.  You can't have multiculturalism and retain the Western culture.  All other countries will still have their cultures, but there won't be any countries for us.  The Western world will cease to exist.

  8. it is tragic from a cultural perspective but it is hard to feel sorry for Europeans falling victim to their own self emulating policies.

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