
What do you think about Ferdinand Marcos Day?

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Think about it. They have one for his opponent, Ninoy Aquino.




  1. maybe in ilocos  

  2. nah don't even think about it

  3. Stop living in the past and deliver forward.

  4. it would be cool

  5. Snap out of it!

  6. That's like asking if we should have a "Satan is born" day just because there is a Christmas Day.

    I was a child during the martial law regime, and watched as the Philippine constabulary savagely beat one of my uncles in front of me for laughing on the air (Radio) at a joke made about F.E. Marcos by someone else.  The last thing I want is to remember his terrible atrocities once a year.

  7. c**p!

    Why would anyone want to have a holiday dedicated to a thief??? We already have so many holidays. I don't think we need another one.

  8. Well, I'm fervently waiting for it to happen, lol!

  9. It's un-thinkable.

  10. wait until bongbong marcos or ping lacson won the presidential election. marcos might even be declared the national hero replacing rizal and ninoy...  

  11. Knock on wood. Let's pause  for a bit and pray fervently it wont happen. Our Father, who art in heaven, Holy be thy name, thy kingdom come....

  12. Government workers already have enough holidays with pay.  Even when they are working its at half throttle.  Don't give them any more reason to slow down more.

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