
What do you think about GM?

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What is your opinion about GM (General Motors) situation? How do you see the future of GM?




  1. Gm builds great cars. I know from driving them, not from some stupid site that Natalia has a hard on for. Hey Natalia do you get paid everytime that site gets a hit? I am almost convinced that you are a robot that only has 1 program, and you obviously use it for every answer unless its a stupid honda or toyota.

  2. Best company in the world.I am conssidering buying stock in them.

  3. In the last 8 or so years they have really come out with a lot of good new cars.  They seem to be rebuilding their brands one at a time because its very expense to launch new cars.  So far so good but it takes awhile to change peoples perception.  They have made a lot of progress though.

    Cadillac and Saturn have been turned around.  Pontiac, Chevy, and Buick are headed in the right direction.  Their full size trucks and SUV's were already very good and the new ones are even better.

    If they can get Delphi, American Axle, and the UAW to stop begging for bailouts and going on strike they should be fine in a few years.

    Natalia - Those web sites you put up look like something a child made.

  4. General motors rocks.

  5. I thought you were talking about Group Messages.


  6. There have been studies on people's attitudes regarding GM by Harris Interactive and the Reputation Institute. reports a couple of these in articles entitled "Does GM Mean Junk of the 7th Level of Abomination?" February 2007, and "Does GM Mean Junk and Ford Too? Toyota and Honda Shine Again." May 2007. The links to these articles appear in the source section below. (There was another study, reported first in Business Week and summarized in, that had very-similar-to-nearly-identical findings, but I couldn't find the page. has a huge inventory of articles with multiple menus; nonetheless, it is still sometimes difficult to find the applicable article.) And for so long as GM sets new record shares of Consumer Reports' Worst of the Worst and CR's Used Cars to Avoid, attitudes will most likely not change.

    With regard to reliability, from 1988 to 2004 (the most recent year for which Reliability Percentranks have been computed), the gap between General Motors and the Reliable Two (Toyota and Honda) has hovered about 50 Reliability Percentrank points. So, most likely, for the next 15 years, the gap in quality will likely not diminish, assuming that GM is fortunate enough to survive the next 5 years.

    With regard to the value of GM products,'s detailed valuation studies suggest that GM products are overpriced by 100% (or should be priced at about half of what they are), based on the accelerated deterioration of its products within the first 3 years. (It may be that they should sell for much less if dilapidation over a longer time period is considered.) It seems unlikely that this will change any time soon, and this will surely make selling GM products difficult in the age of the internet.

    With regard to GM's U.S. market share, estimates that GM's natural market share in the U.S. should be about 4%, when account is taken of the quality of GM products. As it has declined from 34% in 1993 to 21% in 2008 (year-to-date), it still has quite some distance to go.

    This entry was updated to correct grammatical errors and supplement the sources.

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