
What do you think about Gardasil (the HPV vaccine)?

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I went to my doctor today to get vaccinated before an upcoming trip to Haiti. In the process of getting my shots up-to-date, my doctor recommended getting the Gardasil vaccination, also. I went ahead with it, only to find out I need three shots in six months, which costs $375!

I'm a 26-year-old who is not sexually active... I told the doc this, though he still recommended the vaccine. It seems strange to me now, seeing as how the vaccine only blocks infection of the most common sexually-transmitted HPV types. If I'm not sexually active, should I really continue? Did/do I really need this vaccine? Why would the doc recommend this for someone my age who isn't (and hasn't ever been!) sexually active?

I'm confused. I think maybe he's just on Gardasil's payroll. I feel a little steam-rolled, here. :/

What do you think???




  1. ok well I got the shots and I'm not sexually active. I'm only 16 and my mom made sure I got the shots. I think it's the safest thing to do just in case.   So I think u should get the shots in the long shot it will be worth it


  2. I wouldnt do it. It seems like a waste to me. My doc and the heath department keep pushing it on me, but i really dont see a point in it. I mean i am married i dont see why i would need it. I really dont think it does much so no i wouldnt do it. For one reason is that its a new thing and you dont know how it will work out for you. The doctors just like to push it on people. I guess its there job.

  3. I would pass!

    I've had two of the three shots. A friend of mine had all three of her shots and she now has uterine cancer. I asked my doctor who gave me the shots about it and he said some cases are coming up with uterine cancer after having the Gardasil shots but they can't prove it's due to the HPV vaccine because women aren't required to get a pap smear before.

    Get checked. I would NOT get the shots. I'm actually worried now and have an appointment to get checked out as a just in case.

    AVOID IT!  

  4. I am a little leery of this vaccine also. They are really pushing it hard. Other vaccinations were developed to keep people from dying from infectious epidemics. STDs are on the rise but cervical cancer from the specific strains are not at epidemic proportions. Also, the strains targeted are not the only risk factors for cervical cancer. The vaccine MAY guard against SOME strains which MAY cause cervical cancer. Most insurance companies don't pay for it as you found out. My other concern is that it is so new. I never buy a new car model the first year it comes out!

    All that being said, if you had the first injection, you should probably finish the course.

    Just my opinion.

  5. The strains of HPV that it blocks are the strains most likely to cause cervical cancer if infected. Yes, it's a good idea to get it done as a safe guard for if you ever happen to get  genital warts.

    The vaccine is actually recommended for teens and pre teens, preferably before they s*x.  

  6. Well, I got it but my insurance covered it! It doesn't seem like you really need it so I would pass!

  7. I'm a little concerned with the vaccine (I'm in my 20's also).  I haven't seen anything to PROVE the long-term effectivness (Will I need boosters at 35? Does it actually work against cancer the way they advertise, or just stop a few strains of HPV and hopefully prevent cancer? ) I'm also very concerned at the recent article in (I'm pretty sure) the New Engalnd Journal of Medicine completly trashing the vaccine.  (ABC news covered it if you're interested).

    If you're not planning on having s*x in Hati, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's alot of money! I'd also be a little suspicious that after you told him you weren't sexually active, he still pushed it.  (If you're not having s*x, you're not at risk for HPV!)

    It's your body.  If you're unsure, don't let anyone talk you into it.  If you feel it's really a good thing for you, go for it...

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