
What do you think about Germany and the people who lives there??

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Hello I'm a 48years old woman and i live in Germany near Stuttgart I'm very intresting at your answers you can wreite in german or english thankyou very much and many greets from here




  1. Personally I do not care.  I do not care about what people think of my own country.

  2. Ich liebe Deutschland. Ich lebte dort für drei Monate. Bearbeitete und gesorgte Schule. The people were nice and welcoming. Ich möchte eines Tages zurückkommen.

  3. I think its nicer there and the people are nicer plus its very environmental there but (no offense) the German language sound so angry i know its not your guys fault im just saying

  4. Germany is great . Germans are great . mostly..

  5. Considering my ancestors come from Germany on my father's side, I would say that I have a nice respect for the country.  My family arrived in the US somewhere before 1776.  One of my ancestors helped fight in the Revolutionary War.  My father was doing a family tree before he died but he never got out of the USA.  

    My mother's side has some German blood as well, but mostly Scotch-Irish.

    My husband spent time stationed there during his four years in the Air Force and he loved it.  He thought the people were superb, the beer excellent, and the countryside beautiful.  He's of Puerto Rican heritage so he wasn't very keen on the food, but Puerto Ricans have difficulty with most other ethnic foods.

    My family makes pickled eggs with beets and vinegar, chicken and dumplings, sandwich spread with organ meat, apple dumplings, and potato salad that is all supposed to be recipes that have been passed down for generations.

    My great grandparents still spoke German though no one after that has.  My dad's family settled in Pennsylvania and they were Neiswonger's and Buffington's.

    I would love to visit someday, but I might have to wait until I retire to afford it.

  6. Good food. Good cars. Strange sounding language. Don't know much about the people, except that I'm part German and I live in America.

  7. idk

    wat comes 2 my mind is white plplz lol

  8. I would like to visit Germany. I hear that the people are friendly and very understanding of those who are learning to speak German. Ich lerne Deutsch in schule. Es ist eine shon srache. Deutsch ist besser dann Englisch. Although I am not fluent with words I do like the structure and grammar of German better than English. Germany sounds like a great vacation place, I do enjoy camping more than hotels, although I would like to stay in a Jungendherber, or youth hostile. I'm sure that the people are just like any one else, just with a different culture and language. Danke.

  9. Ich bin ein 59 Jahre alt Amerikaner, der die Deutsch Sprache in der Schule gelernt habe (vor ungefahr 40 Jahren).  Deutschland gefahlt mir ganz gut.  Die Leute sind sehr net und freundlich.  Letzes Jahre hatte ich die Gelegendheit nach Berlin zu fahren.  (Das letztes mal dass ich da war, gab es zwei Deutschlands)  Ich habe es sehr modern, rein und freundlich gefunden.  Es gibt viele Dinge in Deutschland dass viel besser sind, als die gleiche Dinge in den USA.  Nicht nur Gesundheitsversicherung, aber noch viel mehr.  Es tut mir leid dass mehr Amerikaner nicht Deutsch sprechen koennen und wenig ueber Deutschland kennen.

  10. they are german?

  11. From the pictures I've seen, it's beautiful.  I've not met that many German folks but the few I have met were very nice.

    Greetings to you from the US.

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