
What do you think about InBev buying Budweiser?

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What do you think about InBev buying Budweiser?




  1. All it does is fuel my fear of a grown Mega Brewery Monopoly in the industry. InBev owns half the breweries in Europe and South America, Anheuser-Busch controls 53% of the American market and owns 50% of the Mexican beer market. Add into that that SABMiller controls most of Africa and just bought Coors...which everyone seems to have missed. Well what you have are two massively powerful breweries controlling something like 75-80% of the world beer market. How long before one of these guys sets their sights on Heineken? The third largest. We'll be left with two breweries controlling 93% of the market.

    Two breweries that aren't known for playing fair. InBev cuts cost by any means necessary, SABMiller buys its competition and if they can't incorporate them into the fold the just shut them down.

    What happens when these two start muscling distributors and smaller craft beer off the shelves of our favorite stores?

    I appose this merger, not for the sack of keeping Budweiser American...but to keep the real American beer industry alive. The small batch microbreweries that have kept the real American beer tradition alive and struggle everyday to make against raising cost and raising competition.

    If you want to support American local.

  2. american company now owned by a foreign firm?

    sounds like when Chrysler was bought out by Daimler-Benz.... said nothing would change, and would be good for everyone... after that, they did "corporate restructuring" firing and changing many things.

  3. So much for "America's Beer"

  4. Booooooooooooooo!!!

  5. it's gonna change a lot . i lived in missouri until a few months ago and although I'm only 13 whenever i would go to St. Louis my me and my family would tour the factory and it would be absolutely free. now that InBev is buying budweiser  the tours are gonna cost omething the prices are be jacked up and it just won't be the same in St. Louis anymore .

  6. It's honestly the end of an era. Anheuser Busch didn't want to sell, but InBev was buying up so much of their stock anyway that if they didn't take the 52 billion dollar offer that they gave them, InBev could have bought more stock and overtaken them anyway. I think the only reason they chose to do it this way instead is because of how Americans feel about Anheuser Busch's products, and that if they just took them over like that, then Americans probably would have stopped buying their products pretty quickly. I know I have. I'm looking for a small American brewery to give my loyalty to.

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