
What do you think about Iraqi's being handed cash?

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Do you think it really will boost their economy to get this?




  1. The American occupation forces have  been paying Iraqis to not kill American troops for years.

    That's the reason the "surge" is working.

    They call them "Awakening Councils".

    That means Iraqi citizens who are paid twice the average Iraqi salary to not fight against US occupation forces.

    The Bush administration is borrowing the money from China to pay for it.

    This deficit spending on Bush's war and his tax breaks to US corporations to send American jobs to China will have to be paid back to China with taxes on America's children-PLUS INTEREST.

    Bush's failed war and failed economic policy is driving the Dollar down and the price of Oil up!!!

  2. Well I read that they were recieving 8000 a piece compared to what our government gave us that is alot.I think I would of been much happier with 8000. Now maybe that could of boosted our economy a ittle.

  3. Why not? The poor blighters have lost thousands of people, and property.What's a few bucks?

  4. Well, millions of Americans were just handed a lot of cash. Do you think it really boosted the American economy??

    -RKO-  07/13/08

  5. Well, at least NOW we know where all those "MILLIONS" of LOST American money went!!

  6. They aren't getting that much cash. If I handed out a few dollars to people would that boost the economy?

  7. Same as I feel about handing cash to our lazy class here in America. I wonder if the Iraqi's will spend it on drugs and booze.

    Handing them cash is just as good a place to waste the money the government steals from workers as any other.

  8. As stupid as handing out "tax rebates" to Americans.  Giving bread to the Romans was a bad idea 2000 years ago.  Failed then, fails now.

  9. I still got paid this week so I don't care about the money Iraq got..Iraq never had a never will have an economy.

  10. Hmmm....any different from Israel being handed cash?

    Charity begins at home.

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