
What do you think about Italian people???

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What do you think about Italian people???




  1. Well what I think about Italian people are this? They can be yours friends for life or your enemies and how I know this is I lived  in Sicily for over 13 years and have been gone for over 6 years now and still have friends who e-mail me or write or even call me from time to time.

      I have eaten at some of the fantastic home cooked meals that anybody would die for and that you can't get any restaurant and have also known many enemies also but the good have weight out the bad by far.

      If you get a friend with a Italian they will be your friend for life  and I meen literialy.

  2. I am an American and I live currently in Northern Italy. I'm appalled at some of the comments left about Italians. I have lived in Mexico, and several parts of the US. I must say that Americans are truely ugly people when travelling. We tend to be arogant and self-centered. We are highly opinionated, loud, obnoxious, and often times too outspoken. Americans do not respect the cultural differences when travelling and it really leaves a bad image on us. Italians, in my experience are often gracious people. Manners mean everything! It is important to greet someone, properly with a good evening or good day to them before asking them directions. I don't see this as a bad thing. Americans could live to learn a few things. My husband and I sit out in the evenings chatting on our porch in this hot summer and every single person that walks by, rides by, or jogs, stops to wave and offer a hello or good evening.  I never had that happen when living stateside. Also, when I take my six year old out, often times, Italians will stop simply to address her with a Ciao Bella (Hi Beautiful). I love it, children are reveared here providing they are not totally out of control brats. This is due to the gracious nature of the people but also because you really don't see many children due to a decling population in the country. As far as crazy drivers, not at all. Yes it seems that way because roads are much more narrow here but I've seen just as crazy drivers in the states if not worse. People speed here, yes, and they tailgate big time. However, if you are understanding of the culture you know that if they are on your bumper and it bothers you, pull to the right (without stopping) and when they can pass you, they will. Yes in the states customer service is pretty important. Not so much in Italy, the rule is, you buy it, its yours, end of story. No such thing as returns. Dining can be an all night experience, you occupy a table for as long as you want, no pushy waiters interupting your every bite. Instead, if you need something you flag them down and ask. They are happy to provide service but you must ask for it. You could be waiting all night if you don't ask for your bill. As for customers always right, not here. Especially if your American. Face it, we have a poor image in the eyes of the world and far as they are concerned, we are all rich. I see all the time where a house is on the market for three times what an Italian would be charged. Most places prices are soft unless you are in chain stores. Italians most important thing is family. Family is EVERYTHING here, Italians are extremely hard workers and work to put food on the table. They don't work to get rich like the American mindset. Instead they work to provide and then they dedicate to family life. My neighbors are out with their children everyday for all hours of the night.  Also Italians believe that if you are a parent, you are responsible for your child. The philosophy that it takes a village to raise a child is not what they believe. If your child is drowning at the beach, you best be paying attention because it is your responsibility. Yes there are a few obnoxious and arrogant Italians, typically the younger males, and that is mostly ego talking. The majority are not so. If you need help, most italians will help if you ask. Many speak English but will not let on that they do unless you make an effort to speak Italian. If you ask, they are happy to teach you words. Lets face it, if Americans were like that, English would still be our primary language... Before you tear apart other cultures, look at your own, and the problems that it portrays to the world. Generalizing a people of any culture, American, or any other is wrong. There will always be good hearted people, in a society, and there will be arrogant jerks. In my experience, Italians are very kind people that are loyal and hard working.

  3. From my experience they are are very outgoing and speak their minds.  I remeber reading that Italian men were voted the most masculine of any country.

  4. They tend to be loud, arrogant, racist, narrow-minded, and completely uncivil, and they drive like idiots.

  5. erlampo, what the h**l are you talking about? have you EVER met italian people??I don't think so

    you people from US are never uncivil or LOUD???


  6. The Italian people I know are friendly, hardworking, family-oriented, clannish, knows how to speak their mind, thoughtful and cool. <*-*>

  7. I used to have a good idea about italian men, but now after having met a few of them, I think that they are most stupid creatures on earth.either they take a lot of drugs and they are confused all the time, or they r flirting all the girls thinking that we are enthusiastic of their being "latin lovers".

    On the other hand , I like italian girls.they r happy, polite, friendly and much smarter than males apparently.

  8. I think that the italians are different. they like to do things their way and if they don't want to then they wont do so.

  9. it dipends!! some people are ok and another are stupid! we mustn't generalize!!! in Italy there are some problems like drugs or there are in the other word's country!!

  10. I' m italian...and I've read that you have written about us..

    It' true, we have many problems in our country, especially about politic..but we are very sociable people..we are friendly, nice...and I hope that you'll change your opinion about us..

    I would like very much meet an American boy (or girls) because I'm so curious to know several type of people and culture..

    Bye!! Kiss

    I'm sorry for my english

  11. socialy

  12. I think they are very friendly people and very family oriented. They love their food and wine and love to indulge themselves in good things. Simply, they love life as they live it.

    I love the italian culture and people .

  13. I have mixed feelings about this.  I don't think that you can generalize a whole nation of people.  However, while I was in Italy in March I had a very odd experience.  Something that I had never experienced before.  

    My mother is Irish and my father Jamaican, so my complexion and hair is that of a Puerto Rican.  I found many of the people in Italy just stared at me.  It was very uncomfortable.  There were quite a few times when I asked people what they were staring at.  My husband is African American and did not feel this same thing.  Perhaps because they are used to seeing Africans, it wasn't so strange to them.  I don't know.  In the US I am considered a "prize" black woman.  I don't like to say this but light skin and good hair is revered among the Black community.  

    Another thing that I found interesting is the difference in the service industry.  In the US "the customer is always right."  In Italy I found the service industry thought they were doing us a favor for heating up our panini in many places.  Not in the small shops, they were always nice, but don't expect that in a chain or bigger store.

  14. What do Italian people think about Italian people?

    Tutto il mondo e paese. No?

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