
What do you think about........Italy?

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I'm Italian and I want to know your opinion!!!!




  1. in pratica piace a tutti tranne che a noi

  2. ive never been there but i would think it would be a great place for a vacation or maybe to live

  3. I'm Irish and I live in Italy with my family (my wife is from Naples). Italy is very beautiful and the people are...hmmm....nice enough, I guess. Very closed and 'campanelisti' though and think that booking a low cost flight to Sharm-El-Shiek to stay in an Italian owned hotel with the people from down the street constitutes 'traveling'. TV is the very very VERY worst and most idiotic I have seen anywhere (I have worked in over 20 other countries), politics a joke (though no-one is laughing), the education system a tragic disaster, and the food is very good. (though authentic Chinese is much healthier).

  4. Italy seems like one of the most romantic places in the world; not just the people, but the culture and environment itself...I can't wait to visit!!!

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