
What do you think about Japan and Whaling?

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I love Japan I lived thre for two years, but I think they suck for Whaling..I think they should harpoon...just kidding but its horrible! The way they chase those poor whales!




  1. Scientific research should not mean the slaughter, oh sorry, I mean the harvesting of 1,000 whales year after year after year.  This includes the endangered humpback whales.  This season a deal was brokered between the Australia & Japan to exclude the humpback.  However, prior to this the Japanese fleet was going to target one particular humpback whale named Migaloo as it is an albino - a rarity in any species.  If these people are really "scientists", why consider killing, oh sorry, I mean harvesting a rare white whale?  

    Australia now has a customs vessel shadowing the whaling fleet collecting evidence for use in a future court case against Japan.  Greenpeace is also there actively disrupting the whale slaughter, oh sorry, I mean harvesting of scientific samples.  Read the website below and discover the scientific facts gleaned off Migaloo without the need of a harpoon.

    The High Court of Australia declared the Japanese Whaling Fleet's operations within the Australin Antarctic Whale Sanctuary as being illegal.  I wish our government would take as firm a stance with these ships as it does with the Indonesian fishing boats that fish illegally in Australian waters.  That is, board the vessels, arrest the crews and impound the ships.  The latter are either destroyed or given to the Navy for gunnery practice.

    Let the Japanese research this!

  2. I think it is their business.  They are doing no long term damage to any whale population.  They are a sovereign nation, and they do not need your approbation to conduct whale hunts.   And they do not let Greenies and enviro-fascists dictate policy over there.  Why don't you mind your own business, and let them mind theirs?

  3. Japan only whales for scientific research purposes, and therefore they have my full support, we should not be bullied by animal rights campaigners and cute pics of whales, research should remain before animals welfare

  4. i absolutely agree with you. my mum's stepdad is Japanese and i have nothing personal against them. but i really really really hate that their continuing to whale. it makes me feel mad

  5. I understand that they like their whale meat, and I am not opposed to them doing some whaling, but I believe they need to scale it back considerably. If we don't all start pitching in and passing on killing plants and animals which are endangered, we're going to end up killing a lot of stuff off. We have already, and the problem is that extinction is forever.

  6. No one can criticize custom of other countries. Japan used to to have a habit of eating whales meat decades ago, which were captured in seas close to Japan. Long ago Japan was poor country and it's hard to get meats such as beef and pork except for rich people. Ordinary people used to enjoy eating whale meat instead. There is always reason behind the custom remaining now.

  7. Why do you pay your attention to only a whale?

    I think animals are animals.

    Why do you eat chicken,pork,beef?

    Do not judge it by only your sense of values.

  8. I like whale meat, it is very tasty.  I like to hunt, and I eat what I kill.  How is what Japan is doing any different?

  9. I think it's time we drop the economic hammer on Japan and boycott them across the board!

    There is even a neat website (see link below) called "Boycott Japan" that has some detailed and interesting information on how to boycott products from Japan and get the anti-whaling message to these people.

    I'm not an advocate of anyone going to extreme measures to enforce (no matter how right, just and humane) an act on another society.

    In this case though I'm sick of the arrogance and disregard Japan displays to the world (be it historical revisionism in the atrocities they committed in WWII or whaling) that I think heavy handed measures should be taken.

    I'd be thrilled to see the world's navies intercept these whaling ships, order the crews off, haul them into ports and scrap them.

    The stance that this is a "cultural" aspect of Japan's society is a joke. These are the same people that used s*x slaves for the army as late as WWII.

  10. what is up with you ? whales are part of the food chain for humans.geezzz,wonder if they taste good ........

  11. I think for a country that prides its-self on being a modern civilised society they have a lost a lot of respect in the world over whaling and hopefully the young people of Japan will put a stop to this barbaric practice.

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