
What do you think about Jehovahs witnesses?

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What do you think about Jehovahs witnesses?




  1. Meh, depends on what they're doing.

  2. It is my opinion that jws are seriously brainwashed.

  3. The more one compares this Christian religion with others, the more remarkable it is shown to be.. ..

    1. Jehovah's Witnesses have no paid clergy. Yet they remain tightly organized with more than 6.5 million active Jehovah's Witness preachers (about 16 million associate themselves with the religion). Even fulltime preachers and workers at their branch offices are unpaid volunteers.

    2. There is no elite class among Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the few 'anointed' among them enjoy no special privileges in their congregations on earth. An anointed person (one of those relative few with a heavenly hope) is not elevated above his fellow congregants in any way, and he may not even qualify for appointment as a simple 'deacon' or elder. There are no titles; EVERYONE is addressed as 'brother' or 'sister'.

    3. No person benefits economically from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Even the 8 to 20 men who serve on their Governing Body receive simply room, board, medical care, and reimbursement for certain personal expenses according to the exact same provision as every other branch volunteer.

    4. About a hundred men have served on Jehovah's Witnesses' Governing Body committee during the past 125 years or so. The vast majority of them have spent the vast majority of their adult lives volunteering for their organization's purposes, and the vast majority have died faithfully and near-pennilessly while still under their legal 'vow of poverty'.

    5. Amazingly, Jehovah's Witnesses did not splinter as a sect from some other religion. Instead, a truly tiny but sincere group of bible students studied only the Scriptures to determine the will of God. Thus their religion remains absolutely independent of and not carrying the sins of Christendom's history, yet carries the authority of Christ's teachings.

    6. Despite the distortions of anti-Witnesses, throughout their modern history Jehovah's Witnesses have refused to claim divine inspiration or infallibility for their teachings. They have pointed to the bible (and not any particular translation) as the only inspired infallible means of knowing God's thoughts. For over 125 years, their teachings have been presented as merely the results of sincere bible research by imperfect but godly humans.

  4. I find them amusing and I enjoy arguing with them.

  5. I try to not think of them at all.

  6. It is a cult and an offshoot of Christianity.  They keep their followers by keeping them ignorant (only recently have they "permitted" followers to obtain university degrees).

    Their leaders have been accused of rewriting the Bible.  That may or may not be so.  It is certain that the second and third of their top leaders after the drapery salesman lived lives of considerable luxury and hob-nobbed with the rich and powerful.

    There are strong resemblances between the Watchtower Society and the "Church" of Scientology.  That may be coincidence but I would not be surprised if L. Ron Hubbard used the Watchtower Society as a model.  He knew a fair bit about such things long before he wrote "Dianetics".

    All that written, there is no good reason for their persecution under the n**i regime.  To society as a whole they are harmless, to individuals they can cause a lot of personal pain and misery.  The same goes for some other more specifically Christian sects.

  7. They are a cult.   Next.....

  8. they do good research on religion and the mainstream should at least listen to what they have to say but the church leaders lie to people about them so they are misunderstood like many other religions  

  9. I've met both sweet and not so sweet JW's.  They have some pretty far out beliefs, but some of their beliefs I'm all for.  I would love to never have to go into debt and be stressed out by the holidays again.  I wouldn't have to remember everyone's b-day as they are not celebrated. Sounds great to me.  The best part is that there is no h**l.  You just sleep for eternity.  Works for me.  I just refuse to earn points towards heaven by shoving my beliefs off on other people.

  10. CULT

    A h**l fearing group who tries to enforce the religion onto others for financial gain

  11. I've gone to bed

  12. I think they are great.  If you want to know the bible they know what they are talking about.

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