
What do you think about John McCain's VP?

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i kinda think its kinda a pathetic attempt to swing hilary voter and this ruins jhon mcains barrack is inexperinced speil.

i think it was a terrible choice what about you guys




  1. I think she is an excellent person, however I don't know if she will be able to handle everything that comes with the job plus her family.

    I am a mother and my family and home come first, is her husband going to be stay at home dad for her term?

    She has a good background and I think it is important that the next VP knows what an average person has to go through but this might be way too much.

    My concern is that McCain is 72 and that he does not look so good (health wise), what will happened if she has to (God forbid) take his place? Is she ready?

  2. Awful choice!  

  3. Great choice.

  4. I think hiring women is always a good choice

  5. it's the stupidest thing he's done so far

  6. I think it shows his deperation. He knows that America wants what Obama is offering, change and fresh ideas. She's young, but she can't deliver on the change or fresh ideas we want. He screwed up bigtime.

  7. I am a democrat and I don't care what republicans do

  8. Go back to school and learn how to write your questions first.

  9. I think that in 4 years she will be the first female president of this country.

  10. Obama and Biden are just as inexperienced and just as bad for this country as they were on Thursday.  Nothing changes that.

    Take all the people who will be on the ballot this fall, she is the only one who has ever run a government.  This is one of the most inexperienced crop of politicians in history.  Probably due to the extreme disgust the voters have with Washington.  

    He didn't pick her for he Hillary factor.  This was the hand picked choice of the Evangelicals, whose voter base is double that of Clinton's.  

    The entire center of gravity of this race shifted from Obama to Palin.  

  11. Window dressing.  Chosen for looks,  not intended to have any say.

  12. I think you are a democrat who is scared that she spells doom for the two good ole boys  Obama and Biden

  13. Not much, but then what choices did he really have?

  14. Just another example of McCain's fine decision making

  15. She's a crazy BI*CH

    *Mayor of a town with a population of 9,000 people and a moose.

    *Governor for only 1.5 years.

    *Didn't even finish law school or major in political science (she has a bachelor's degree in communications!!!!!) WTF?

    *She has a husband in the pocket of big oil (do we really need that again?)

    Definitely a pathetic attempt to get Hillary supporters (too bad it's probably gonna work though).

  16. milf not getting my vote

  17. John seems to like her, check this out.

  18. Governor Palin is amazing.

    Gov. Palin was in Austin Tx to give a speech. Her Labor pains began just as was introduced to speak, She spoke for and hour and half and then took a Limo to the airport. Just after take-off her water broke !!!

    The pilot flew fast back to Juneau and when Governor Palin arrivied in Alaska 6 hours later, she hitched up a team of dogs to sled and headed home on the Iditerod Trail.

    On the way home Governor Palin saw a Moose. She stopped the team of dogs, hunted the Moose down and shot it stone dead ! Then, she pulled out a 9 inch hunting knife, gutted the Moose and made Mooseburgers for dinner.

    She fed the kids, she did the dishes, made whoopy with her husband - and then - she hopped back into the dog sled to go to the hospital. On the way, she stopped to chat with the Postman and then FINALLY - she got to the hospital and had the Baby !!!

    I just love Governor Sarah Palin !!!

    She can do anything.

  19. Yes, another reason why I'm not voting for McCain.

  20. Great choice for the base.

  21. she is great, much more experience than obama

    Palin? Perfect

    By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, August 29, 2008 4:20 PM PT

    Election 2008: John McCain's choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate is brilliant. Her individualism matches McCain's. But it's the new strengths she brings to the ticket that make the team formidable.

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