
What do you think about John McCain pulling a Mondale?

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You know, the picking Palin as VP thing...




  1. great move by McCain

    strong independent Woman

    has held a wide variety of important positions in Alaska

    Mother and Wife and strong conservative values

    her level of experience and accomplishments

    rivals obama at a minimum

    Shes spunky and forthright and has a bright personality

    while she may have a tough debate or series of debates against Biden

    she will hang tough and do her best and thats all you can expect

    excellant Choice    2008     McCain/Palin

  2. Are you judging her because she is a woman?  Ferraro was a poor choice because she represented years of political establishment.  Paulin is new in the political arena.  Apples and oranges.

  3. I think it is a move of desperation and reeks of hypocrisy  

  4. I think it's great. Two years as governor of a state with less than a million people. Sounds to me like the experience mantra just flew out the window.

  5. I was shocked, to be honest.

  6. I'm not sure how I feel about it.  My initial reaction is positive.  I have been doing some googling to find out more about her.  

  7. Obama lost the election when he picked Joe Biden.  All his bilge about "change" was proven to be lies when he did that.  Biden is the epitome of Washington insider.

    McCain just strengthened his chances.  

    I'm still not voting for either, unlike all the sheep in this country who don't give third party candidates a chance.

  8. No worse than Obama playing the race card...Hey, this is a Historic election...I say McCain made one helluva great pick!

  9. Is this lady ready to step in and be President if something happen to McCain? This move seriously makes a joke of this campaign.  



  11. There went the experience card he's been throwing around.

  12. He just undercut two of his own arguments....experience and celebrity

  13. I think it is a wise choice for McCain to pick a woman for vice president.

    If the voters agree we will just have to wait and see.

    I admit it makes for a interesting presidential race.

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