
What do you think about Life?

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Is it fun/boring/stressful etc ?




  1. great...

  2. It depends on what you make of it. What you make of it depends on your perspective. Your perpsective depends on the tenets you hold in your heart.

  3. Life is just life. I try to remember I only have one chance to make it good.  

  4. You only have one go at it so give it your best shot ......

  5. Life is what you make of it.

    It can be fun, boring, and


    I choose to enjoy life.

    Take a path that's exciting,

    and kick the rest to the curb.

  6. its awesomee. u never know what'll happen next. the only thing ur sure of is that everything changes. its exciting. boring sometimes if u dont do anything to entertain yourself. i dont know, its really all up to you. what u make of ur life. carpe diem, :)

  7. Life is what it is! If you live it according to what illusions you set to it for your comfort, it will disappoint you, for it has its' own way, its own reality which no illusion will cover disguise according to human need.

    I enjoy life! I embrace both its' horror and marvelousness. It can be stressful if I am angered by the ignorance, stupidity of the SO many who'd like to tailor it to their convenience. But then, I consider the source and move on.

    Is it fun, yes of course, when you're not attaching to it, or forcing upon it what a human would consider fun! Like hunting for example as a sport.

    Is is boring?

    Not for one solitary moment!

  8. It sucks

  9. It is fun boring and stressful.  Some times I have a good life.  But most of the time.  I feel like my life is not going so good.  Sometimes I look around.  And I see people in worst shape than myself.  And I say maybe my life is not as bad as I thought It was.

  10. Life is a stage, on which you must play your part to the best of your ability ( remember 'Seven Stages of Man ' by William Shakespear)

    Life is not a bed of roses, which means that except for a previlaged few, every individual has to struggle in the chosen path of his career. Some achieve things a little easier, some not , some dont achieve at all.

    Depending upon what rung of success you have achieved, you can classify your life as fun, boring , stressful, routine, unsuccessful etc.

    How ever what one must not forget is that life is a struggle and each actor ( human being ) must strive hard to acieve the best.

    Each person must endevour to achive the best and be ' satisfied' with life at some stage.

  11. Comes and goes...

    Nothing important about your life... nothing important to all lives combined..

    The smarter you are the worse it is because you think more about... the end and what it is... my opinion...

  12. Stardust. I think life would be great if only we could be rid of the bad apples in it. In truth being protected from it doesn't make you a happier person if you don't know what you are being protected from. and it doesn't help to know that even if you reach that level of hightenness you can't protect the others you wabnt too. I find life is wonderfull when you get the chance to see it's beauty without fear. but at the same time you have to look over your sholder everytime you want to let your shield down. Nature runs in a similar way so I guess that isn't so bad. But I have found that I can only enjoy life, truely, if I sorround myself with a good pack of friemds and famillly so I can safley look around at it's beauty. .  

  13. it shouldnt be taken there is no point of making it stressful..

  14. Life is life.  I take it as it comes and don't worry about the rest.

  15. Life is Dog and Dog is God so does God is dog.

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