
What do you think about Lisa Williams the psycic?

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Please be honest, I dont know what to think of her yet. I do like her a lot. Just not sure if its all real. What do you think? thanks




  1. she seems good

  2. I started watching her last season and she struck me as real. The only way I see that she wouldn't be is if the people she reads are actors, but they say that they aren't in the disclaimer. I want to believe her, but there is always a little doubt in the back of my mind, ya know? She would have to read me personally before I ever truly believed her, I think.

  3. There's a trick to everything....just keep a close eye and

    you'll figure this one out for yourself....there is none which

    are fool proof....keep 'paranormal' where it belongs, in

    the special effects room at some Hollywood movie set!

  4. I think this article covers it pretty well:

  5. " I do'nt !!  as`well as others in the same field !! I (think)  "ALL >psycics<  are but more of those "EVIL DOERS"!! ... "Even if the intent they have is meant to be a good one!?!... Well I wo'nt get into what could very well be: A massive explaination.?. "I  put no faith in them !! "I" Think that <GOD> would'nt like it if I was to try & ask the devil if he knew that God intends for my soul to go to heaven !?! See  He too was an angel !! Before he got some`kind of twisted jealousy or greed that made him Lie to Eve. When you go to them & or look into that ?lol? crystal~ball ?lol? for ?answers "That info. if any.. Is coming from: SATAN !! & or his realm of Demons/followers!! Please trust this !!So that ??<$2.50>?? uh'mm a minute I guess? lol Could be going to places like???  India,Africa,South America, to help get meds,food,clothes,shoes,DOCTORS to help treat them !?!. "No ?psyic? could ever see & or tell me if I had heavenly hope  or even the best way to gain God's favor... Please no comments !! "I already have some insight on or about some of this stuff !!sO0 SAVE IT please !!. `'R".r`r,r'r`.r.r`'r,'.-

  6. I watched her show yesterday actually and then she stared on "Americas Psychic Challenge".  I believe she is for real, most people cant go to a scene and explain almost to a T what happened there, she did.  She also is very detailed about the reading she did on her show yesterday for example a brother was coming across and she had mentioned to her sister that her right side of her face was in extreme pain...low and behold before he died he had 850 stitches on the side of his would anyone know that? and then she mentioned that he died from drugs and it was combination of drugs, not just a single drug overdose...again how would she know that? Alot of people are skeptic...which is fine, but i believe that people do have the gift of site and people can get information from the energy that is around them....everyone has the ability...its just lots of people tune that sense out...i went to her web site its interesting go check it out

  7. if you believe in that stuff its your choice, but just remember that a few years back, the psycic hotline, got busted big time, they used to have commercials on the t.v. all the time, they got busted for fraud, taking peoples money illegially, I think this is the same bullshit, think about it!!!!!!!

  8. She's the real deal.

    Why is it so hard to believe that there is life after death and some people can tune into that world?

  9. Just annother crack pot.  All these people do is state things they already know, and mix in a bit of what someone wants to hear or would logically already have on their mind.  It's not hard, I've done it to a friend (she later knew I was joking, of course).  Please, save yourself, don't get sucked into that nonsense.  It's people that want to beleive these things so desperatly that they will take in anythng and everything that lets these people thrive.  Help stop the madness.

  10. she seems nice.

  11. i seen the new season last night, i think she's all true, everyone on that episode was really like freaked out if u will about it. i really like her

  12. I'm not sure. I do believe in some psychics and some of what she says I would not know how she would know if she were not valid in her capabilities.

    I was wondering the other night if maybe she could have spoken to others that know that info but some of it isn't even stuff friends or relatives would know or discuss in detail like she knows it.

    I will say that I do believe that some have this capability. Who knows whether or not she is one of them.

    The police department and another govt. agency in my area uses psychics to help solve cases and they do help where nothing else was able to.

    I don't think I would want this "gift."

  13. Let's keep watching over the next few weeks and see!!!

  14. as with all psychics, they cant prove anything

  15. I don't know Lisa Williams.  But I have talked with a psychic and I do not think it is bogus.  But remember that psychics are only human.  They do have special abilities, but they can be wrong, just like any human being.  I talked with a psychic several years ago, when my children were growing up, and she told me several things that really turned out to be true and correct.  Just don't put too much faith in them, they are human beings, not perfect.

  16. Well, honestly, I'm loathe to trust anyone who toots their own horn quite so much. People who are truth don't feel the need to flaunt it quite like that IMHO.

    That being said, I've only watched her once, a free episode I found online, but I think she's for real. Being a sensitive myself, I could see her connecting to the spirit.

  17. I think all psychics are frauds that prey on the gullible

    Check out The Amazing Randys site

    He has been debunking these people for years

  18. Fraud.

  19. I don't know what to think about her.If I was a psychic I would not use it to make money,I would help people.If she was real don't you think the government would study her?or any one like that.I think the TV psychics are a lot of c**p.

    (Many blessings)

  20. Fake

  21. kinda, we really cant know for sure. but i do think some ppl have the ability to do that kind of thing. i have dreams (more in the past then now days) but i would dream something n then i would b doing something a week later n the same thing in the dream would happen. n its weird bc u know as it starts to happen wht will happen next. its like a series of events.

  22. Let me let you in on a little secret sweetie...


  23. All psychics are bogus.

  24. Whenever there is money involved, you should have your doubts. This looks like one of those "For Entertainment Purposes Only" things.

  25. she and that edwards dude are masters at reading people's expressions, body language, conversational clues, and generalities that all people have in common. fraud? probably.

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