
What do you think about Mandatory Recycling?

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I personally think it should be mandartory for all states. What do you think... don't be rude




  1. I agree with mandatory recycling. It cuts down on costs all across the board. If more material is being recycled, less will have to come from the environment, easing strains that have been put on it in recent years. Additionally, land fills will take longer to fill up since all recyclable materials are being reused.

  2. No, I think that'd be imposing on Americans' rights a bit. I think it should be more widely available to those who wish to recycle. My neighborhood doesn't even have any recycle bins anymore. It sucks.

  3. Bad idea.   If people don't want to recycle they will find some way to s***w up the system for those who do.   Window glass in with bottles, oil filled containers in with the plastic,   aluminum cans filled with trash, tin cans with food still in them...

  4. I think recycling should be mandatory. I also think that the bins should be more readily available. I am currently living in Germany and recycling was mandatory here and now it is just a natural way of life for the Germans. the return glass bottles. there recycling bins everywhere as well as compost bins. it is time Americans do there part in healing the world.

  5. I think it would be a great Idea to go mandatory or make it easier. because people are very lazy about that stuff. it is such a great idea because we are eating away at earths natural resources and filling our landfills even faster

  6. Considering that the energy it takes to recycle any product besides plastic and aluminum is more than it would take to just make new, and the same deal with cost, I don't think it should be mandatory. I am very understanding that we need to conserve resources, but it would cost more and take a lot of polluting energy to have mandatory recycling. You'd have to run machines, build warehouses, run trucks to get things, hire people, it's more trouble than it's usually worth.

  7. People are motivated by money. Years ago, you and I could take our newspapers, bottles and cans to a place and they would pay yoy for the items by weight.

    Now, the townships have taken control of that and THEY are getting our recycling dollars. Many people ( who are not into being green) now have no motivation to recycle.

  8. I don't know about mandatory but my state (Oregon) makes it so easy to recycle!  When you sign up for garbage service you get three cans and a basket.  One can is just for garbage, one can is for all of your recyclables(paper, cardboard, plastic containers, etc.), and the basket is for glass, batteries, used engine fluids).  Its so easy!

  9. Of course it should be mandatory! We are all citizens of this Earth and responsible for its wellbeing. Half of the population shouldn't take on the burden of those who just don't give a d**n. I also think community service would be mandatory! Imagine if Earth Day was a national holiday where everyone got together to plant trees, clean up, etc. I guarantee we'd be living in a better world/community and society. All anyone cares anymore is themselves!

  10. Most people won't recycle if they aren't forced to. Therefore, recycling should be mandatory everywhere. Saving energy and the environment versus allowing people to be lazy. There really isn't that much to debate about.

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