
What do you think about Mexico cracking down on smugglers at the border?

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American smugglers of Diesel Fuel that is! I'm glad they are doing this because this is not helping out our economy. We rant and rave about smugglers, and some end up doing the same thing. Yes! it's fuel....but smuggling is smuggling!. What do you think?

Mexico fines US drivers seeking cheap diesel

A Mexican border city has begun fining U.S. drivers who cross the border to fill extra drums, tanks or barrels with government-subsidized Mexican fuel.

The city of Ciudad Acuna, across the border from Del Rio, Texas, said Friday that it fined four U.S. residents for carrying extra diesel and would impound their cars until they pay. The fines equal 70 percent of the value of the diesel confiscated.

U.S. drivers can fill up their own vehicles, but carrying extra fuel containers back across the border violates customs regulations and possibly safety rules, a report from the city said.

Mexico, one of the world's top 10 oil producers, sells diesel fuel domestically at subsidized prices of about US$2.25 per gallon, about half the U.S. price.

Mexican filling stations near the U.S. border have seen an increase in American drivers who cross over to fill up. Mexican truckers and drivers complain the run on fuel is causing temporary shortages and longer lines for them.




  1. It is smuggling. Americans have their own stations. I suggest we use them.

  2. The only reason they're cracking down is because the only thing they want smuggled are people.  

  3. Every country has the sovereign right to enforce its laws; Mexico is charging American smugglers and we should be charging illegal aliens. There is nothing wrong with that.

  4. Mexico thinks the only good smuggling is human smuggling. Which their government see's no problem with.

  5. Wow!!!!

    4 people smuggling gas!!!!

    And we were complaining about people smuggling TENS OF MILLIONS of people across our border illegally and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of illegal drugs every year!!!!!

    "Shame on us'!! (sarcasm)

  6. Ohhh wow, talk about doing nothing of value ROLFMAO. When they start cracking down on the Human traffickers and the drug smugglers then and only then can we take the Mexican Government seriously. h**l will freeze over long before the corrupt Mexican Government does anything of actual value.

    Lets see, Mexican Politicians who are already bought and paid for by the Drug and Human Trafficers are sending in additional Military personel who are already bought and paid for by Drug and Human Trafficers to stop them. Can you say Fox watching the Hen house?  Tony I'm disapointed in your cut and paste jobs. I've spent the majority of my life living within a hour of Mexicali or Tiajuana, nothing will change on that side of the border from this little show put on for our benefit.

  7. You mean the same Mexicans who do very little to stop drug and human smuggling from their side of the border? Or the same Mexicans whose military continues to commit border violations and have detained American citizens on United States soil?

    Now to the question of gas smuggling. Are the people in question who are filling up extra tanks trying to hide this fact? Are they trying to sneak across the border? Are they failing to report the fuel or refusing to pay tariffs when returning to the United States? Is there an existing law in Mexico which states that you can only legally purchase x amount of fuel? In short, the Mexicans are doing nothing about smuggling and this is about trying to punish the big brother to the north.

  8. It's a solid example of we Americans once again thinking that they can come and go and do as they please. We have no problem pointing fingers at anyone who does wrong against us or our country, but if we see a way of stepping on the "little guy" to get to the top, then by d*** we'll take it!

    So, I have to give kudos for Mexico stepping up to the plate and demanding a little respect.  

  9. Why doesn't Mexico worry about their citizens leaving the country and (here's a new idea) FIX the numerous problems that they have????   This would help prevent illegals from entering the US!!

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