
What do you think about Muslims?

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  1. Although their religion is different from mine, I have no personal problems with them. There are Muslims from all over the world, not just the middle East. Not all Muslims want to bomb the entire world. I think the war gave Americans a bad outlook on Muslims. It goes to show you how many people are mindless sheep and will believe anything they see on TV.

  2. Well I am probably quite an oddity on this page.  I am a non-muslim who knows many muslims and have done all my life, since I was born in a very multicultural suburb. In fact we Anglos were the racial minority in the place I grew up.

    And you know what? Muslims are just like everybody else. Some of them are a**seholes. Some are lovely people. Some of them are funny. Some are fearful and  repressed. Some are violent and some are gentle. Some are open and friendly. Some are closed and wish to  keep you at a distance.

    Because you bigotted little MORON muslims are people. Individuals. Distinct separate beings with theior own personalities, political beliefs and idiosynrasies.

    Wake up to yourself. The world is filled with hate based on ignorance and you are doing nothing to counteract that.

    Delete me for the moron comment. I can well afford the 10 points and the satisfaction it gave me to call you a moron will only be exceeded by the satisfaction gained from knowing that morons like you can't bear to let go of an insult or allow a contrary opinion to stand beside theirs for comparison.

  3. Its not the religion we should judge but the person

    I don't agree with the religion but respect it and admire how riguress and seriess they are about it.

    You may associate being a muslim as being a terrorist but that's unfair. The IRA weren't muslim but they were terrorists. Its just that muslims are associated with terrorism because of stupid stereotypical jugments by people with little under standing

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  4. They are selfish. while they need u they can go for any compromise. After that they dont turn to ever.

  5. I think they're ordinary people.

    I'm a big fan of their religion because it's so rigorous .

    I wouldn't choose that relgion but, I admire how much faith they put in.

    Alot, of people are prejudiced against them but, I think there's bad people in every race,religion or group.

    Iceland Beauty, your answer makes you sound like a prejudiced moron.

  6. I like them as people but I do not agree with their religion.

  7. They are very nice and respecful people

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