
What do you think about Noam Chomsky's political views?

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do you know at least who is he?




  1. Worthless and false.

    He might be an expert in linguistics, but his politics is mindless drivel.

  2. Fantasy

  3. I have read all of his books, from American POwer and the new Mandarins, up to his most recent collection of interviews with David Barsamanian.  To put 40 years of written political thoughts within a paragraph or two would be of tremendous disservice, but I will try.

    Chomsky is the consummate "gadfly".  He is like Socrates, always questioning, always doubting what is considered legitimate and the 'truth'.   He uses impeccable logic and the Facts of the world to explain the actions of government and their main beneficiaries, corporations.  He has been exposing the lies and deceits of government dating back to the Vietnam war, through brutal central america wars of the 1980s, to the first gulf war in 1991, to today.  ( I believe he is 79 now)

    I will conclude by sorta paraphrasing a World war 2 era political analyst, Dwight Mcdonald, who in many ways embodied many of the above ideals and actions of noam chomsky.  He said, speaking of inellectuals, that it is the their responsibility to "peel away the veils of distortion and ideology through which present day events are presented to us," short "to speak the truth, and expose lies"...Chomsky has followed that moral truism of MCdonald's to the letter and spirit.

    That's what I think about him.

  4. Slighty to the left of Stalin.

  5. too socialist for me, but very smart guy

  6. Anyone who insists on being SO contrary on SO many issues isn't displaying his brilliance. He's crying out for attention.

  7. Yes a well known author and critic of Neo-Imperialism. The views of Noam Chomsky were quite clear on the subject of contempt for civil rights toward citizens of small nations by a major power. To criticise the well known attacks on civil rights in many countries which involve torture, massacres, rape, and political assassinations should be a warning that people have lost some valuable part of humanity if they can support such things and ignore such things. All Chomsky does is remind people of what has happened before so they will remember and oppose  new wars with the same sort of methods . The thinking behind the methods of Neo-Imperialists could bring worse like factories of death. The answer laid out does not put what Chomsky wrote in his exact words but does lay down his thoughts except for the Death Factories which are another possibility he has not laid out which could be put to use with regard to illegals  if hatred solidifies to fascism. There is something to point out which is a survivor of The Holocaust  said in a documentary that when a man escaped from  a Death Camp in WW2 and told of what was going on people thought he was crazy . Now torture and assassination are not that unbelievable.

  8. I haven't read much of his writing, but what I have read leads me to conclude that he's an idiot with a good command of written English, making his success with the Left a sure bet.

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