
What do you think about Norm Colemans Idea of nuclear energy?

by  |  earlier

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OK i think its a bunch BS. What if there was a leak? Thousands could get sick, some even die! Whats so wrong with solar energy? Its easier to dispose of and a gadgillion times safer!!




  1. Solar is less available and less economic.  Why not both solar and nuclear?

  2. You are right that nuclear energy is a bad idea and not the answer to the twin problems of global warming and the depletion of fossil fuels.

    What we need to do is switch to sustainable sources of energy rather than continue to deplete the worlds reserves of fossil fuels.  Those reserves have better uses as raw materials for a wide range of goods ranging from clothes to computers and we owe it to our children and grandchildren not to waste them.  Burning those resources in our cars and power generators is a shocking waste and contributes to CO2 emissions that are feeding global warming.

    Just about everything I have just said applies equally to the uranium used in nuclear power stations.  It has better uses such as in medicine, and in uses yet to be discovered.  We should not be burning it in nuclear reactors.  The building of the reactors and the storage facilities for the waste are also contributors to CO2 emissions and the reactors are not even very long lived.  And I have not even mentioned the risks of accidents or terrorism.  Nor the constant radiation pollution from them.

    The answer to our energy problem is firstly to use less of it and secondly to switch to wind, wave, tide, hydro and solar sources.

    Proponents of nuclear power are just looking for ways to continue business as usual and are overlooking the needs of future generations.

    Best wishes

  3. Who is going to get rich of solar?   The companies in business now don't make enough to pay off anyone yet, so they aren't worth bothering with.   Of course nuclear doesn't make any money either if the government doesn't insure them, but somehow they are part of the good ol'e boy club.

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