
What do you think about OBAMA becoming president?

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  1. I think if Obama becomes president, it will be a step back for both capitalism and race relations in the United States.  

    Obama is extremely socialistic - the sort of the naive idealist that believes that the Constitution is a dead document open to interpretation, and that it is the duty of government to take from the best of its citizens to prop up some of the worst.  He reminds me of the old expatriate notions discusses in Hemingway novels, that believe America is flawed because it lacks the bitterness and decadence of Europe.  With time, he will drive us towards European Enlightenment, which is a horrible, depressing sort of liberation.

    Obama is also tied up with the separatist faction of America's ethnic culture.  These organizations foster reverse-racism through a revisionist history lens: i.e. that America is innately evil, a nation of white men who have oppressed women and minorities at every turn.  The assimilation of ethnic groups into the American culture is then seen as a heinous crime - a "whitening" effect.  This is the James Hal Cone education which Obama has received, and he has been unrepentant in choosing his black roots over his simply human ones.  We are all people, and until we can see that and not color, we are doomed to notice the differences; there is little doubt that as President, Obama will enhance the vividness of that contrast.  


  2. I think I will move to Canada! jk, my family is voting for MCCain!

  3. To say the least a lot of the supporters for Hillary went to McCain so I am not going to place a bet on who will win if you know what I mean.

    I am looking forword to what he will do when he becomes president, he signed up for this so he better be ready lol.

    Woo Obama!

  4. I guess it looks like he will win regardless of what I think. I hope he is up for the job.

  5. I think he would make a very good President.  He seems to have commonsense which is a very rare attribute.  He has charisma, though is a little slow sometimes in expressing himself.  

  6. After eight years of a Republican administration steeped in ideology and arrogance, it'll be like a breath of fresh air.

  7. It's pretty cool -- an intelligent, articulate guy who talks like a college professor.  That's be a switch.

  8. I just hope he can accomplish all the good things he talks about for the good of most Americans. The other guy(McCain) doesn't bring any optimism.

  9. no racial comments here but uh i sure hope hes not president i think hes living in a fantasy world and everything he says is not really gona happen.

    i dont like obama at all i hope he does not win.

  10. I think he will likely be the next President and that will be a good thing.

  11. scares the h**l out of me, but I still vote for him, because the other guy scares me even more.

  12. I don't think he will win the election.  There are still enough citizens in this country who won't let that happen.  Voters who are paying attention to the issues and will cast their ballot for the person who will keep our country strong.  

    Do you pop off when Obama makes racial statements?  He claims the opposition is going to scare voters away from him by pointing out that he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar bills.  His campaign made that up and that is racial.  

    Voters should be scared because he is a liar and cannot function without a teleprompter.  Have you ever noticed that he looks left and right, but never forward during his speeches?   He needs a crutch to read his hollow words to all his kool-aid drinking zombie followers.

  13. I think its a cool thing and new thing. Like he says it time for change.

    In a way I really want him to become president because the walls will fall if get my drift.

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