
What do you think about OGM?

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What do you think about OGM?




  1. If I had the slightest idea what OGM is I might have an opinion about it.  What I found when I searched OGM was Ogg Media File, which might be associated with agriculture in the way of videos.

  2. I wonder if you mean GMO? Genetically Modified Organisms?

    If you do, I think that they are generally good. In the case of crops like corn and cotton that have a gene inserted to make them resistant to certain insects (like Bt corn and Bt cotton), fewer insecticides are used on those crops.

    In the case of RoundUp Ready crops (like RR soybeans, corn, sugar beets and others), glyphosate (or RoundUp) is used to control weeds on those crops. In the whole big broad spectrum, glyphosate is a pretty safe herbicide. Not subject to leaching like atrizine. So, society is probably better off with having lots of glyphosate sprayed than most other herbicides.

    So, I think GMOs (if that's what you were asking about) are generally a benefit to society.

  3. GMOs?   Bad news.  I certainly go out of my way to vote with my dollar and purchase food that hasn't been genetically modified.  Have you seen those videos on how they do it?  Bacteria and Virus are the only thing that can break into a seed's DNA, then they insert Monsanto's Roundup Ready Poison.  Would you want to eat frankenstein food with Round Up in it's DNA?

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