
What do you think about Obama acceptance speech?

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I think it was amazing! I truly enjoyed his speech and belive he will deliver. He is a man that understands the struggle oppose to McCain who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and will continue to run the country identical to Bush and will cause the U.S 4 or 8 more years of pure h**l AND MYSERY. I belive Obama really cares and want positive change for the country and will get this country going in the right direction. McCain just want greed and we will be screwed if he is elected. If the people of America is smart and tired of the republicans tearing into their pockets, destroying our country, and letting our loved ones continue to be killed in this God forsaken uncalled for war, they will vote for Obama. You really have to be blind AND RETARDED to elected another republican.VOTE OBAMA OR THIS COUNTRY WILL CONTINUE TO DETERIORATE!!!!




  1. Nothing any more, all I can think about is what Sarah Palin said,,, can't stop the mavericks...

  2. Obama's speech is long forgotten already.  But I liked the Greek columns.

  3. It was amazing.  It had all the style of a great orator AND plenty of policy was set out.  Not much of that tonight, eh?

  4. President Obama wll not pardon Bush or Gonzales.

  5. Nobody even remembers that speech anymore......sadly because it was in another league, you cant even put it next to anything said during the RNC....with that said though...expect this race to be decided on the debates not on these fancy speeches written over a week.....

  6. Obama's speech was excellent and shows he is qualified to to take this country in a new and better direction.

    So far, the whole Republican convention is just a bunch of envy and cabal.

  7. Obama who?

    I guess you missed it.

    Obama's done.

    McCain/Palin is the new rock show.

  8. he blew palin, thomson, guiliani's speech to the gates of h**l

  9. please give us some examples of the h**l and misery you personally have been through because of the president. Dont spit the dem venom about gloom and doom tell us just what you have been through.

  10. I think it is old news lol. Palin was terrific tonight!!! McCain / Palin 2008 The winning ticket.  

  11. We'll just have to call this a difference of opinion.



  12. It sucked.  this man seems to be your god.  Get over it. You will still be in the same situation if he's elected.

  13. oh yea, you got him there..sigh. He reallyyyy wants to destroy our country that hes fought for. Maybe you should run for election.  

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