
What do you think about Obama and the tainted media?

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Once again the media has tainted a story!!!! Obama was in Germany doing his speech in front of 200,000 people. Thats a fact that the media reported. The fact is that There was the top bands in Germany playing there and Oboma did his speach in between sets. The Media more or less stated that 200,000 people showed up just for him. Once again another big detail left out to make Obama look good.




  1. True.  The media is in love with Obama.  He is the Messiah in their eyes.  I was listening to the Laura Ingram radio program and she was playing a clip of a reporter who was talking about the "euphoric feeling" people seemed to have when they left.  Laura said that was because of all the alcohol!  The euphoria wasn't from Obama.  The people DID NOT go for Obama.

  2. Yeah, the media, that's it.

    and I quote..."It's the economy stupid!"

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