
What do you think about Obama becoming our next president?

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I'm curious to know what the homeschooling population thinks about this. According to recent polls, he is in the lead. How do you feel about this. Please elaborate.




  1. I think he will be a welcome change.  I like his ideas.

    But, keep in mind that I like Hillary as well.  I could live with either one of them in office.

    However recently I am becoming more and more dienchanted with Bill Clinton's twisting of thruth and little white lies.  I am going to need him to not mess this uop for Hillary.

  2. He's very Kennedy-esque and I really hope he gets in!

    I can imagine that a lot of the homeschool population would be against him thought because they tend to be more conservative.

  3. Its ok if you want a mouse eared muslim for prez.

  4. I am astonished at his general acceptance, especially in the Bible Belt.  I guess America has grown up a little taller.

    I tend to think, however, we will see another Republican President next year.

    Do remember once upon a time there was a Woman Vice President on a ticket that carried only ONE STATE and a second rate, B-Movie Actor took the other 49 and became President.

  5. Obama shouldn't be president period and neither should Hillary they both stand 4 the wrong things this is our future we r supposed to be free and they r just people that aren't goin 2 help us

    Choose Someone Else Who Won't Destroy Our Nation!

  6. i hope he wins

    he sounds like he would be a pretty cool president

    I've always wanted a black  president :]

  7. I always find it upsetting when people choose to vote for or support someone because they are charismatic and give inspirational speeches (or choose not to because they think he's muslim as if that, in and of itself, would be a good reason not to give support).

    Look at the issues.

    He doesn't support education vouchers and, instead, wants to give more money directly to public schools. He is in favor of giving more subsidies to ethanol, which has practically zero net energy and increases polution (and, crazilly, he would want a tariff on imported ethanol, something that makes no sense, even if you believe that ethanol would work). At the same time, he supports cutting emissions by an unrealistic amount that would hurt the average American substatially. He used to be in favor of a single-payer health care plan with "everybody in, nobody out", a frightening pronouncement, especially when you look at how that EXACT system has hurt Canadians; now, he has distanced himself from single-payer, but is still touting universal coverage. He wants to reverse tax cuts and close the federal deficit, not by decreasing spending but by increasing taxes. He thinks foreign aid, something that study after study has shown to be worthless in impoving conditions in other countries, to be a solution for dealing with Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries. (He is strong on Israel, though, supporting it in its responses to terrorism.) His foreign policy in general has been fraught with mis-statements and backtracking, something that does not make me feel better about him and makes me think that he does not have a strong or consistant position on the serious issue of national security.

    I do not support him. However, all of the candidates that currently have a chance make me feel a little queasy.

  8. Well my cousin said that he is from Iraq,,and if he is president,,then people will want to fight us,,but if the lady is president,,then the countries that are against 'women rulers' then they will want to fight us,,either way it will be bad

  9. It's beginning to look that no matter who we vote for we're going to get a dumb liberal! The only candidates I even remotely like right now is Paul and Huckabee. In that order.

    The only thing that makes it OK is that we have the constitution to protect our right to home school and the Federal government can't even touch it because education is in the hands of the state!

  10. He is a disgusting pig. The Anti-Crist. A descendant from Ishmael. Muslims are overall sick, brainwashed people. Obama is a MUSLIM and the only worthy characteristic they have is that they are devoted, which means we'll be forced to convert to the faith. Ah, I can see it now. Vote OBAMA and you'll be bowing your *** towards mecca and learning arabic in no time!

    Who hates jews and americans? Muslims.

    Muslims are muslims and it doesn't matter what they say. Worst yet, he is a democrat. If you have any religious faith at all (discluding muslim) then you're in for one h**l of a ride.

    Vote OBAMA -BIN LADEN- and vote for the downfall of America.

  11. Most liberal man in the Congress masquerading as a moderate. He's total BS in my opinion. I believe that Obama would take the top marginal tax rate to above 40%. We just don't know that yet since he isn't really prominent in his issues like Hillary.

    I think McCain will have a draft, thus I'd like to see two independents (Newt Gingrich and Michael Bloomberg NY mayor to stir things up). In any event, I'd love to see a Dem or a Republican come in third place for once.

  12. I'm not being home schooled but I really don't care who wins as long as they are a better president then Bush.

  13. I think he will be assasinated within his 1st year in office.

  14. I think that he's disgusting beyond belief. The absolute worst - worse than Hillary, if that's possible.

    He's being portrayed as some sort of hero, centrist or John Kennedy and the media is covering up every sick and rotten liberal cause he stands for, except the ones that people have become conditioned and brainwashed to accept. Just look at the shallow answers below!

    He'll try to steal money from honest citizens to fund the corrupt educationj system and enough will NEVER be enough. People don't understand that it's not the responsibility of government to provide for education.

    The people are like dumbed down sheep and they see this man like a savior. Illinois liberals betrayed their state and our entire country by electing him over Alan Keyes, a decent black man who stood for everything noble.

    Electing this Muslim would be like doing the Dubai ports deal, which would have represented an ongoing threat. I have posted a link below showing that Obama does not show allegiance to the American flag. WHAT DOES he pledge alleigiance to, deep down, and what if there was another attack by radical Muslims, our enemy? What would he do? Does he even acknowledge our enemy?

    I'd rather do busisness with Benedict Arnold than someone who would vote for Barack Obama. He is the ABSOLUTE WORST.

  15. If we can elect the Clinton/Obama dream team into the White House, I'll ascend bodily on a silver cloud.

    I guess I'm just another "dumb liberal" who has had enough of a corrupt conservative regime. I didn't know it was dumb to want more than war for oil and tax breaks for the rich. I guess it is dumb to want all American people to have access to health care. If that is so, I'll be in the corner wearing my dunce cap proudly.

  16. He will be too black for some and not near black enough for others.

  17. I'm not an American, but have been watching a bit the progression of this election. I think it would be huge to have either a black or woman president (wow, a black woman president would be amazing!), but can't say I really know what he would be like as president. I do think that a recent article or something by a British sociologist (I think it was) that he would likely be assassinated is unfortunately true. Too much of the US is still so racist and so volatile. Not to mention that the US has an unfortunate history of presidential assassinations. I hope he is over-cautious and prepared if he does become president.

    I have to wonder at those who are so quick to judge him as being a lying Muslim and whatever. There is no real indication that he grew up Muslim nor that he thinks of himself as Muslim. He celebrates Christmas, attends church... I don't know about all his past political decisions, but the kind of comments coming across here are unfounded libellous comments, almost sounding like conspiracy theories. Why so quick to believe the negative side? Have you looked at the other side? I have. When I first heard such remarks, I went, "What? Really? How's he gotten so far?" Then I started doing some digging around and found out that it is probably just hateful speech being spread, that some little fact was taken and blown up into something else; much like many anti-homeschoolers do with some little fact (like a single "weird" homeschooler they met) and blow it up and are truly convinced that the opinion they've formed is accurate. The comments, to be honest, are the types of comments that racists and anti-Muslims would come up with not because there is any truth in them, but because there's the slightest amount of truth that they can use to twist things to their own purposes.

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