
What do you think about Obama in the latest poll (Read more inside)?

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"Barack Obama’s post-Democratic National Convention bounce in the polls appears to be slightly smaller than the norm of past conventions, and it's gradually depreciating."




  1. It seems the bright shinning star that was Obama is dimming on a daily basis now. By November it will be burned completely out, not even a little glimmer will be left.

  2. It's typical of an arrogant racist pig like Obama.  He's so going to lose this election.  He should have known from the start he had no chance with no experience.

    Polls are dumb, they are made up by the LIEberal media and we all know how much they lie.  Remember Bush won when polls said he'd lose.

  3. I just love it and it shows that his support is limited to limousine liberals, left wing radicals and Hollywood liberals who live in la la land.  The real world is middle America where people go about their every day lives, work for a living, take care of their children, and struggle to make the bills...The elitist BHO couldn't give a hoot about the little guy.  Power is his aim, not to change America for the better.  This is just retoric.  I don't believe these polls either.  Now I see the polls are in favor of Obama...Wait till the debates..when McCain will wipe the floor with Obama.  This guy cannot answer a question without stammering, stuttering, hemming and McCain should bury him.  So it is a wait and see for me, but I am a McCain supporter..and will vote for him.

  4. The only poll that counts is the one in Nov. and McCain wins that one!

  5. A better measure is how the electoral votes are trending.  Here's one showing Obama well ahead of McCain:

    What?  I get two "thumbs down" for merely submitting a link and its conclusion?  The facts are what they are - don't blame the messenger!

  6. Obama and Communism are out of style this fall.

  7. When the big guns come out this fall, obama is toast. The more people with more than one brain cell listen to his lies, the more they will see he is just one big deception.

  8. He's toast

  9. The dems. will try to cover this up with another shot against the republicans. First it was Cindy Mccain and her past history of drugs, then Palin's daughter. What next? Will they find that John Mccain's dog pooped in his neighbors yard and say that he's not fit to be president?

  10. The normal range for post convention bounce is +2 to +12. He is inside that and therefore I'm happy.  

  11. I think it's normal for such a racist pig politician.  He's going to keep slipping until November when he loses for the record.

    Polls are not to be taken seriously.  It was those very polls that said Gore and Kerry was going to win over Bush by 10 points each.  Guess who won.

  12. I think its bad news for libs.  Incidentally, expect this question to get removed.

  13. That story is old.

    Here is an aggregate of polls

    And here is the daily tracking poll by Gallup

    That article was written over the weekend, by no means has Obama's lead diminished since then.

  14. With all the media attention and celebrity support that Obama is generating, it is a shameful indictment against him that the race is so close. If an alien landed on DC right now, they would think Obama was the run away leader. Instead it's a dead heat. Obama's going to lose.

  15. I think it's funny. Are the 4% points 100 out of a thousand people polled for the day?

    Wait, the Republican Convention hasn't happened yet, afterwords, I expect the polls to skyrocket on McCain's behalf. Oh how fickle is the undecided voter! LOL!

  16. most people have decided who they wanted to vote for...and dont really care about the DNC or RNC this year...dont expect the polls to change much

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