
What do you think about Obama not crossing his hand over his heart!!?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike , d**n he talks a lot of game but doesnt even respect American or Americans.




  1. First, he has to have one.

  2. I think there are a whole lot of other reasons to not vote for Obama.  That one is a little lame.

  3. I sometimes wonder why some of the people who talk and act very patriotic do not join the military.  They always seem to point to how important the wars are and we need to fight for America because oil is important etc. etc. When it come to volunteering for military duty however, these individuals do not join our fighting soldiers.

    Obama was the one who fought for my brothers when they were wounded in Iraq when all the flag wavers had their thumbs up their you know what.  Obama got my brothers to the medical care they needed when no one seemed to care.  Forgive me but I disagree with you because I see Obama as a caring and patriotic American.    

    Personally, I care about what we are going to do about fixing this countries financial problems, getting jobs for our citizens and making college affordable.  This is what we should be talking about and not argue who is more patriotic, or whether my fingers were together when I saluted or whether or not I wear some symbol in my jacket.  

  4. He still showed a lot of respect, I just watched the clip, and he was courteous through the entire song. I don't think a single gesture such as putting your arm across your chest signify that you do or don't have respect for America(n)s. He listened to it all and clapped along with everyone else showing he was proud of the tribute to the American People.  

  5. You do have a good point.  Although I'm currently leaning towards voting for him and Mr. Biden, I'm not too fond of this display, or should we say, lack of display of loyalty for what our flag represents.  I wish my dad were still alive so I could get his take on this because he was a WWII vet who served with the fighting CB's in the South Pacific Theatre.    

  6. Maybe he didn't know which side it was on. Hey, without his teleprompter and a well-rehearsed script the guy is lost!

  7. typical for a hussien!!! He's  not AMERICAN, he's just got so many of the young unimformed snowed.If it were up to them they would elect P Diddy.LOL

  8. This question is sooooooo old; but I guess that doesn't bother you.

  9. At least he didn't have his hands over his eyes

    "There are none so blind as those that will not see"

  10. I think it's his right not to do so.

    With all that's going on in this country, and the world, there are those who - like this person asking this lame question and most of the lame people answering- simply want to follow someone waving a flag so they don't have to get involved, and so they don't have to think. Fascists. You think you own patriotism? Face it, you can't stand the fact that the next president is black.

  11. I don't cross my heart.  I take my hat off though and thought I was doing okay with that.  

  12. I think I'm in love with you.  Too bad everyone thinks he's a rock star.  Can't wait for his tour to end.

  13. In behavioral science (something I know more than a tad about) rocking back and forth is an outward sign of impatience and annoyance... it goes FAR beyond just being disrespectful.  It's a sign that you want to be moving out of there... guess BHO is just a bit uncomfortable and impatient with something like the National Anthem.  

    Furthermore, his hands were not draped at his sides or behind his back, but in a typical "threatened" position... perhaps he's uncomfortable and threatened with all that patriotic stuff.  It must remind him of gun-toting, religion-clinging Americans.

  14. I noticed all of a sudden he's wearing a flag pen during the convention. Sorry Obama, it's a little too late to be patriotic.  

  15. it gets even worse at the Dem's convention his wife never held an american flag in her hand or the kids and hillary was waving the flag like a true american. my thought was is this woman really for real or what

  16. I think there are issues facing this country which are a little more important that whether someone holds their hand over their heart during the national anthem.  Who, after all, is more patriotic: the person who disregards the Constitution but always has his hand over his heart when the national anthem is played, or the person who doesn't put his hand over his heart for the national anthem but always respects the Constitution?

    In any case, if I had been present I'd have probably had my hand over my mouth, because hearing that singer's rendition of the national anthem live would have made me throw up.  Man, that was one awful rendition!

  17. This was in an email I received today and it made me sooooooooo mad!  About Obama and his flag pin

    According to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10,

    > Sec. 171, During rendition of the national anthem when the

    > flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform are

    > expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the

    > right hand over the heart.


    > 'As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want

    > to be perceived as taking sides,' Obama said. 'There

    > are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag

    > is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a

    > war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and

    > all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and

    > less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like to Teach

    > the World to Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I

    > might salute it.'

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