
What do you think about Pakistan?

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  1. What's wrong with them?

    Can't they solve the mess of their own creation in own backyards?

    Simple problems.

    Also don't know how to solve it.

    Still messing up with science and mathematics?

    Then why kick the butts of God in the first place?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God with cheap-skate glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in kicking the butts of their own little one, own children ,own generation, own tribes and children of all tribes of different community in own backyards without being aware of it

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49.

    In self destructing human lives of their own children to self extinction as the "Last of the Mohican" without being aware of it at their own risk.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  2. What You think,,,,,,,

  3. its a country

  4. Bloody nut house full of extremists and some of the worlds worst poverty. Never mind though, at  least they have Nuclear Weapons. Who needs to feed the starving and heal the sick, when you can spend the money on a Bomb.

  5. Well, im not sure what to make of the news thats been going around .. it's quite sad - i to begin with thought it was a lovely country - i just feel sorry for the civilians .. after all most of the innocent have done nothing wrong... =(

    With Love...x

  6. Not a lot.

  7. I think Pakistan is ok but I don't like the way you see those big policemen lashing people with sticks allthe time

  8. They have really bad call centre operators !!

  9. Every thing that is bleak and black and dark and depressing in this world can be summed up with one word: PAKISTAN !!!!

  10. Not a lot

  11. I don't usually think anything about it.

  12. Thev a d**n good Cricket team` they won me 200 quid`anyway`?

  13. Wouldn't like to live there.

  14. I have known a few Pakistanis through work and they have all seemed to be pleasant well adjusted moderate Muslims.  It would be a shame if Pakistan is lumped together with more hardline states such as Iran, Saudi Arabia etc.  If all the people there are like the poeple I have met I would hope that they can sort themselves politically and act as a model democratic, moderate Islamic society.  They need to sort out the tribal regions and their pro Taliban stance though.

    If anyone wants an apolitical view of pakistan from a cultrual perspective you could do worse than watch the first two episodes of Michael Palin's Himalay travelogue.

  15. I can tell that most of the posters here are Americans and that they are clueless about Pakistan.

    Anyway, US troops have been sent there recently so you better wisen up.

  16. It's full of Pakistanis.

  17. lovely place to avoid

  18. I don't know I've never been.

  19. I try not to.

  20. Tinderbox.

  21. if they are ever short of people we can let them have all they want for a war with india

  22. Not a lot,never have.

  23. never been there  and see the real Pakistan

  24. Everyone there has a self-destruct button on their head, they're all called Punjab Singh and they eat poppadoms all day long

  25. nothing really

  26. People live there and they have bombs

  27. great people

    corrupt govt/politicians

    bribery rife , USA playground, in return for aid

    aid un fortunately used by greedy politicians for

    grand standing against nuclear neighbour india

    populous suffer...

    porous border with afghanistan

    all sorts of un desirables have flooded in

    northern side, towards himalayas, IS heaven on earth

    ( i have been to K2 base camp)

  28. Tell a truth?

    When I was 7 I stole a KinderEgg from Woolies

    please don't turn me in

  29. One of the few partial successes created by the West in foreign policy.

  30. Never take females their on holiday. You have been ADVISED!!!!

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